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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 管理学类 > 人力资源管理 > 正文


 2022-01-01 22:06:49  


摘 要



关键词:人力资源外包 招聘外包 解决策略

Study on the service countermeasure of A company's recruitment



With the development of knowledge economy, the competition among enterprises intensifies, especially the competition among human resources becomes more intense. How to expand the competitive advantage of enterprises through the introduction of key talents, so as to gain a more powerful position in the market, is a problem that modern enterprises must face in the operation. Due to limited resources, many small and medium-sized enterprises have many deficiencies in recruitment. Therefore, many small and medium-sized enterprises begin to seek help from other companies that can provide professional recruitment services, and recruitment outsourcing service providers emerge as the Times require. Recruitment outsourcing service refers to the recruitment outsourcing solution of the whole process from talent search to personnel entry. Through recruitment outsourcing, enterprises can be freed from the basic recruitment work, so as to allocate resources to other strategic affairs and develop core competitiveness. The outsourcing of recruitment process plays a significant role in promoting the improvement and optimization of the recruitment level of enterprises and has gradually become an important part of the development strategy of enterprises.

At present, most of the researches on recruitment outsourcing service are based on the perspective of enterprises, mainly focusing on how to conduct business recruitment outsourcing in enterprises' recruitment, while there are few researches on the service provider — recruitment outsourcing service provider. Based on the theory of recruitment outsourcing services, this paper, combined with my internship experience as a recruitment outsourcing assistant in A company, makes a simple analysis of the existing problems of recruitment outsourcing services in A company. In addition, based on Michael Porter's five-forces analysis model and the actual situation of A company, this paper makes a simple exploration on the current problems of A company from four Aspects, and hopes to provide some Suggestions and help to the recruitment outsourcing service providers similar to A company.

Key Words: Human resource outsourcing; Recruitment outsourcing; Resolution

目 录

摘 要 I


第一章 绪论 1

1.1研究问题 1

1.2研究意义 1

1.3研究方法 2

第二章 文献综述 3

2.1招聘外包服务概念研究的文献回顾 3

2.2招聘外包服务问题和原因文献回顾 4

2.3文献评述 5

第三章 A公司招聘外包服务问题 6

3.1数量层面问题 6

3.1.1团队成员数量不足 6

3.1.2服务业务范围过大 6

3.1.3候选人供应量与需求量缺口明显 6

3.2质量层面问题 7

3.2.1团队成员水平层次不齐 7

3.2.2团队服务满意率较低 7

3.2.3侯选人流失率过高 7

3.3成本层面问题 8

3.3.1团队成员成本比例分配不合理 8

3.3.2招聘外包服务收益的滞后性 8

3.3.3招聘外包服务风险成本不可控 9

3.4时间层面问题 9

3.4.1招聘外包服务流程周期冗长 9

3.4.2新入职员工稳定性较差 9

3.4.3招聘外包需求周期的不确定性 10

第四章 A公司招聘服务问题的成因分析 11

4.1侵占非正式员工的“人力资本红利” 11

4.2团队成员职责混乱 11

4.3缺乏完善的培训体系与绩效管理模式 12

4.4沟通信息壁垒严重 13

4.5风险管控意识薄弱 14

4.6 创新能力缺失 15

第五章 A公司招聘外包服务对策研究 17

5.1完善公司的内部管理 17

5.1.1制定有效的发展战略规划 17

5.1.2建立完善的培训与绩效管理模式 18

5.2优化与供应商的伙伴关系 19

5.2.1 建立有效的双向沟通与反馈机制 19

5.2.2与候选人建立稳定的事业伙伴关系 20

5.3提升购买者的服务获得感 20

5.3.1与客户共建企业文化 20

5.3.2建立有效的客户管理与风险监控机制 21

5.4改善与竞争者的合作维度与深度 22

5.4.1提高创新能力与信息一体化水平 22

5.4.2全面整合招聘外包资源 23

第六章 总结与展望 24

参考文献 25

第一章 绪论


本次研究主题为A公司招聘外包服务面临的问题以及相关对策探究,主要是从招聘外包服务提供商的角度进行问题的探析。所谓招聘外包服务业务 ,是指第三方人力资源服务公司参与企业招聘全过程 ,根据企业用人需求为其量身定制招聘解决方案 ,提供从人才寻访开始的一系列招聘服务 ,直至职位需求得到满足 ,并根据完成职位的情况获得服务佣金的业务形式。目前市场上涌现出大量的招聘外包服务商,招聘外包服务市场竞争激烈,A公司作为众多招聘外包服务商之一,主要提供的是中小企业的招聘外包服务,如何通过相应的变革来扩大自己的竞争优势,从而在市场竞争中获取有利地位,是本次研究的重点所在。







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