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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 社会学类 > 社会工作 > 正文


 2021-12-19 22:27:38  


摘 要


关键词 : 留守儿童 监护缺失 缺失影响

A study on the influence of the lack of guardianship on the left-behind children in rural areas

——Take Guangxi Jinxi as an example


In recent years, with the rapid development of urban economy and the acceleration of urbanization and industrialization, more and more young people in rural areas choose to leave their hometown and move to big cities to find jobs. However, due to the dual urban-rural system and other constraints, rural and urban life can not be connected, and the rural population is difficult to move around, so the left behind children in rural areas has become a social phenomenon of great concern.This paper studies the method of literature analysis and in-depth interview. Taking 10 left-behind children and their guardians in Jingxi city of Guangxi Province as the interviewees, combining the interview content, daily life behavior observation and their learning and living materials, we can fully understand their guardianship. In the study, we found that there are serious problems of lack of guardianship in the process of rural left behind children's guardianship, such as the basic safety of left behind children can not be guaranteed, the lack of cultural education and the correct guidance of good conduct, the lack of care and love experience in children's inner emotional world, apathy and fragile family relations. On this basis, the paper puts forward that the government should improve the relevant system construction, strengthen the family education, establish the community support system and improve the left behind children's own ability to resolve the adverse effects of the lack of guardianship, so as to promote the left behind children's overall and healthy growth.

Key Words: Left-behind children; Lack of guardianship; Negative influence

目 录

摘 要 I

Abastrat II

一、绪论 1

(一)研究背景及意义 1

(二)文献综述 1

(三)理论基础 2

1.社会化理论 2

2.埃里克森人格发展理论 3

(四)研究思路 3

1.基本概念界定 3

2.研究方法与内容 4

二、农村留守儿童监护情况 5

(一)资料来源 5

(二)农村留守儿童家庭监护现状——监护缺位 5

1.农村留守儿童的父母第一监护人缺位 5

2.农村留守儿童实际受监护水平低 5

(三)国家对留守儿童的监管缺位 8

1.监护法规不完善 8

2.国家相关监管机构缺失 8

三、农村留守儿童监护缺失的影响 9

(一)基本生活缺乏保障且安全隐患突出 9

1.基本生活物质资料和生活照顾空缺 9

2.安全隐患问题 9

(二)文化教育水平低且缺乏品行培养 9

1.学习无法得到有效保障 9

2.缺乏行为习惯的塑造 10

(三)心理问题无法得到及时有效疏导 11

1.自我认同危机 11

2.容易产生自卑焦虑等负面心理 11

(四)与家庭成员间亲情淡漠 12

1.与在外父母的联系缺乏,依恋关系疏离 12

2.与实际监护人缺乏有效沟通,家庭归属感丧失 12

四、农村留守儿童监护缺失消极影响的化解 14

(一)政府完善相关制度建设 14

1.改善户籍制度,打破城乡二元结构 14

2.改变农村经济模式,鼓励劳动力人口当地就业创业 14

3.加强对监护人的法律监督制度 14

4.建立紧急情况下的救助机制 15

(二)整合社会资源,加强对留守儿童的社会监护 15

1.完善留守儿童的学校教育支持系统 15

2.发挥社区的作用,加强对留守儿童日常生活照顾 16

(三)加强家庭能力建设 16

1.由专业未成年人机构进行监护风险评估和监护指导 16

2.通过家庭教育建立稳定监护关系 17

(四)展开对留守儿童个人的能力培养 17

1.大力宣传培养安全教育和心理健康知识 17

2.丰富课余活动,提升留守儿童全面发展水平 17

五.研究总结与反思 18

(一)对留守儿童的“去标签化” 18

(二)关于论文不足的反思 18

1.样本选取有待进一步扩大 18

2.评价方法的合理性有待提高 18

(三)结语 18

参考文献 20

致谢 23


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