2021-12-19 22:27:45
摘 要
Abstract II
一、 绪论 1
(一)研究背景和意义 1
(二)研究现状 1
(三)理论基础 3
1、马斯洛需求层次理论 3
2、社会支持理论 3
(四)研究思路 4
1、核心概念界定 4
2、研究内容和方法 4
二、 城镇流动人口社区融合现状 5
(一)城镇流动人口的需求 5
(二)城镇流动人口社区融合的政策环境 5
(三)城镇流动人口社区融合的社会支持 6
(四)城镇流动人口社区融合程度 7
三、城镇流动人口社区融合的困境及根源 8
(一)城镇流动人口社区融合的困境 8
1、无法与本地人口享受同等社会政策及保障 8
2、社区参与度较低 8
3、身份焦虑与认同缺失 9
(二)城镇流动人口社区融合问题的根源 9
1、政府职能部门工作欠缺 9
2、社工机构参与效率低 10
3、城镇流动人口自身社会适应能力不足 11
四、推动城镇流动人口社区融合的策略 12
(一)政府完善制度建设,推进流动人口社区融合 12
1、健全流动人口社会保障体系 12
2、增加流动人口就业机会 12
3、调整现行的流动人口住房政策 13
(二)完善社区交往互动机制,丰富文化活动形式 13
1、完善社区交往互动机制 13
2、丰富文化活动形式 13
(三)社工介入城镇流动人口社区融合 14
(四)城镇流动人口增强自适应能力 14
五、结语 15
(一)研究结论 15
(二)研究不足 15
参考文献 16
致谢 19
摘 要
关键词:城镇流动人口 社区融合 公共政策
Research on the current situation and predicament of the integration of urban floating population community
In recent years, with the continuous development of urbanization in China, interregional population flow has become a common phenomenon. This paper first introduces the theory of community integration, then analyzes the current situation of community integration of urban floating population in China, understands its difficulties again, finds the root of the problem, and finally explores the countermeasures to solve the problem of community integration of floating population. It is found that the community integration of urban floating population needs the cooperation and interaction of the government, community and floating population. It not only needs to break the unequal interest mechanism attached to the household registration system from the outside, but also needs to break through the psychological gap caused by the sensitive identity of floating population from the inside. To solve the problem of community integration of urban floating population is not only beneficial to show the fairness and social inclusiveness of public policies, but also to improve the adaptability of floating population in the city and pave the way for the healthy development of the community. The survival and progress of the floating population is inseparable from the harmonious community environment and social environment. The realization of the integration of urban floating population community can bring benefits to the development of urbanization in China and promote the process of social integration.
Key Words: Urban floating population;Community integration;Public policy
一、 绪论
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