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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 社会学类 > 社会工作 > 正文


 2021-10-26 22:35:16  

摘 要








Internet economy plays an increasingly important role in the rapid development of China's economy, and it also facilitates people's access to information, shopping and other life needs. At the same time, the liberalization and anonymity of the network society make it easy for the subject of network behavior to produce some network anomie behaviors, such as the problem of network violence discussed in this paper. The emergence of network violence not only disturbs the order stability of the Internet space, but also has a great impact on the real society.

This study mainly uses the sampling analysis and literature research methods.By the analysis of those typical network violence events in the past five years, understand the characteristics of the current network violence phenomenon, expounds the social impact of the network violence phenomenon, analyzes the social causes of the network violence phenomenon in the transition period, and proposes solutions for the current network violence phenomenon from different subjects .

The research shows that the gender difference of the parties involved in the incidents is large, and the occupations with high exposure are more vulnerable to online violence; the types of incidents can be divided into education and teaching, moral misconduct, illegal crime and accident disaster based on the theme; the focus of online violence is mainly distributed in the provinces with economic amplification and high concentration of colleges and universities; the proportion of media reports is high in the period of the incident .There are significant differences between the period of tide and the period of continuous spread; the forms of network violence are mainly divided into discourse level network violence, human flesh search under network action and group polarization caused by network rumors.

The network violence not only affects the government's public decision-making and judicial trial, but also destroys the harmony and stability of the network ecological environment and society. At the same time, it infringes the legitimate rights and interests of the parties and causes the group indifference. The social causes of network violence in the transitional period mainly include the following three aspects .From social system aspect ,social contradictions brought about by economic development, imperfection of social compensation mechanism and division and fault under social changes . From social psychology aspect, the stereotype of netizens, the compensation psychology and self-realization psychology for reality .From social culture aspect, antagonism and irrationality of Populism as well as Pan moralism under traditional culture.

The solution of network violence event needs the government department, the network media and the network audience to respond together. Thus we can establish the good network ecological environment better.

Key Words:network violence; transition period; group polarization

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景 1

1.2 研究目的与意义 1

1.2.1研究目的 1

1.2.2 研究意义 2

1.3 国内外研究现状 2

1.4 研究内容及方法 4

1.4.1 研究内容 4

1.4.2 研究方法 4

第2章 概念界定及样本选择 5

2.1 概念界定 5

2.1.1 转型期社会 5

2.1.2 网络暴力 5

2.2 样本选择 6

第3章 转型期的网络暴力现象 8

3.1 事件当事人特征 8

3.2事件类型 8

3.2.1教育教学类 9

3.2.2 道德失范类 9

3.2.3 违法犯罪类 10

3.2.4 事故及灾难类 10

3.3 关注人群分布 10

3.4 媒体报道占比 10

3.5网络暴力的表现形式 12

3.5.1 话语层面的语言暴力 13

3.5.2 网络行动下的人肉搜索行为 13

3.5.3 网络谣言引发的群体极化 13

第4章 网络暴力事件的社会影响 15

4.1 影响政府公共决策,干扰司法独立审判 15

4.1.1 影响政府的公共决策 15

4.1.2 干扰司法的审判独立 16

4.2 破坏网络生态环境,危害社会和谐稳定 16

4.2.1 影响网络良好生态环境建设 16

4.2.2 危害社会的和谐稳定 17

4.3 侵犯当事人合法权益,引发群体性冷漠 18

4.3.1 侵犯当事人合法权益 18

4.3.2 引发群体性冷漠 18

第5章 转型期网络暴力社会原因 20

5.1从现阶段中国社会制度分析 20

5.1.1经济发展与分配制度、价值观念的矛盾 20

5.1.2社会代偿机制的不完善 21

5.1.3社会变迁下的断裂与分层 21

5.2 从现阶段社会心理特点分析 22

5.2.1 刻板印象和偏见心理 22

5.2.2 对于现实生活的补偿心理 23

5.2.3 追求自我价值实现心理 23

5.3从现阶段社会文化分析 24

5.3.1民粹主义下的对抗性和非理性 24

5.3.2传统文化下的“泛道德主义” 25

第6章 应对网络暴力现象的措施 27

6.1政府部门:完善相关立法,加强文化建设 27

6.1.1完善相关法律法规,加强对网络空间的管理 27

6.1.2缓解社会矛盾冲突,加强社会文化建设 27

6.2网络媒体:网络大V理性发声,合理设置报道框架 28

6.2.1网络大V理性发声 28

6.2.2合理设置报道框架 28

6.3 受众素质:培养理性思辨精神,拒绝网络暴力 29

6.3.1 培养理性思辨精神 29

6.3.2 提高媒介素养 29

第7章 结论 30

参考文献 31

致 谢 33

第1章 绪论

1.1 研究背景

根据中国互联网中心 (CNNIC)发布的《2019第44次中国互联网发展统计报告》显示,截止2019年6月,我国网民规模达到8.54亿,较2018年底增长2598万,互联网普及率到61.2%[[1]]。我国现如今正处于经济社会转型的克难时期,伴随着社会转型的则是对于社会各方面的改革,这些改革深刻地影响着大众的生活,故转型期更容易引起改革的阵痛期反应。而随着互联网的普及,互联网改变了传统的“精英发声”的模式,普通大众也拥有了表达自己的观点与意见的机会。然而,由于广大网民来自于社会不同的阶层,其文化层次、语言水平、媒介素养也参差不齐,故很多网友在表达自己的意见时容易出现情绪化,并发表非理性言论,甚至很多人还会表现出极端化的倾向,同时互联网的匿名性特征,更加剧了网络舆论的非理性表达,致使网络暴力愈加严重,网络空间环境亟待净化。


1.2 研究目的与意义

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