2021-10-26 22:35:18
摘 要
Dimethyl phosphite is the main raw material for the production of glyphosate, and the solvent free production process based on methanol and phosphorus trichloride is the main method for the production of dimethyl phosphite. For this method, intermittent production operation is too frequent, the production efficiency is low too; And the reaction tail gas will not be recycled purification, direct emissions into the atmosphere will cause serious pollution. Therefore, it is very important to make the production of dimethyl phosphite continuous and design the corresponding tail gas treatment device.
Through consulting relevant materials, the design has completed the continuous production process of dimethyl phosphite with an annual output of 2500 tons. The multi-stage absorption tower is used in series to complete the recovery of hydrogen chloride, and the high concentration hydrochloric acid with high economic benefits is obtained. The waste gas of chloromethane after absorbing hydrogen chloride is further recovered through the chloromethane recovery process. At the same time, the by-products phosphite and methyl phosphite are also recovered as liquid in the column kettle. With the exception of dimethyl phosphite, all the by-products have been recycled into economically beneficial products. The atomic utilization of methanol and phosphorus trichloride materials is maximized, and there is no big pollution of waste emissions, in line with the principles of green chemistry and chemical engineering. At the same time, according to the reference materials and related standards, the assembly drawing of the main equipment (esterification kettle) was completed.
Key words:Dimethyl phosphite; Synthesis process; Continuous; Hydrogen chloride recovery; Design of equipment
摘 要 3
Abstract 4
第1章 绪论 1
1.1草甘膦介绍 1
1.2亚磷酸二甲酯 1
1.2.1亚磷酸二甲酯的性质 1
1.2.2亚磷酸二甲酯的合成过程 1
1.2.3合成亚磷酸二甲酯的工艺流程 3
1.3小结 5
第2章 亚磷酸二甲酯工艺流程 6
2.1酯化釜 6
2.1.1 连续化生产 6
2.1.2 反应器形式 6
2.1.3反应器参数 6
2.2脱酸 7
2.2.1脱酸设备 7
2.2.2脱酸釜参数 8
2.3精馏 8
2.3.1分离顺序 8
2.3.2进料状态 8
2.3.3操作压力 9
2.3.4塔型选择 9
2.4氯化氢回收 9
2.5工艺流程简述 11
第3章 物料衡算和热量衡算 13
3.1物料衡算 13
3.1.1酯化釜物料衡算 13
3.1.2脱酸釜物料衡算 15
3.1.3甲醇冷凝器物料衡算 16
3.1.4氯化氢回收段物料衡算 16
3.2反应热力学分析 16
3.2.1反应历程 16
3.2.2热力学 17
3.3小结 17
第4章 设备设计 18
4.1酯化釜设计计算 18
4.1.1酯化釜型式 18
4.1.2釜体尺寸计算 18
4.1.3釜夹套几何尺寸计算 19
4.1.4酯化釜壁厚计算 20
4.1.5水压试验应力校核 21
4.2高沸物精馏塔设计 22
5章 安全生产 28
5.1酯化釜安全规范 28
5.1.1准备工作 28
5.1.2操作过程 28
5.2精馏段安全规范 28
5.3氯化氢吸收段安全规范 28
第6章 结论 29
参考文献 30
第1章 绪论
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