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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 经济学类 > 金融学 > 正文


 2021-10-24 15:26:23  

摘 要






In today's world, the aging of population has become an increasingly common and severe problem. The unprecedented huge pension demand and potential risks have posed a severe challenge to all countries in the world. At the same time, the aging trend of the population is increasingly significant, which also makes the pension service industry obtain the rapid development power, and provides the growth soil for the supporting pension financial industry.

The pension financial business accounts for an increasing proportion in the commercial bank system. It is an important product of commercial banks to adapt to the development of the times and meet the increasing market demand, and it is also an important tool for commercial banks to achieve industrial transformation. With the rapid development of pension financial business, the financial risk of elderly customers is relatively low, the liquidity is not strong, and the capital has high stability. Compared with other financial institutions, commercial banks have a wide range of service outlets, complete infrastructure, strong economic strength, low capital risk and high reputation. Therefore, it is a market strategy that commercial banks around the world adopt to occupy the market and lead the development trend.

This paper mainly explores the influencing factors in the development process of China's commercial banks' pension financial business and the similarities and differences found in the comparison with relevant industries in developed countries. Combined with some specific commercial banks' pension financial business products in China, using the literature research method, this paper collects and analyzes the theories related to the pension financial business of commercial banks in China and various influencing factors in the specific practice. By investigating the diversified needs of elderly customers for pension financial business products and their satisfaction with existing products and constructive opinions, this paper attempts to improve and optimize the design in the future The new theoretical basis is provided by the old-age financial business products. At the same time, using the inductive analysis method, consulting and collecting the relevant information of developed countries and regions that have a long history of advanced experience in pension financial business related industries, and analyzing their specific pension financial business products and design ideas, to explore the experience and Enlightenment of their successful development.

Key Words: Commercial Banking;Pension Finance;ageing of population


摘要 Ⅰ

Abstract Ⅱ

第1章 绪论 1

1.1研究背景、目的和意义 1

1.1.1研究背景 1

1.1.2研究目的 2

1.1.3研究意义 2

1.2国内外商业银行养老金融业务研究现状 3

1.2.1国内研究现状 3

1.2.2国外研究现状 4

1.3研究内容与方法 5

1.3.1研究内容 5

1.3.2研究方法 5

第2章 商业银行发展养老金融业务的理论分析 7

2.1.养老金融的内涵与特征 7

2.1.1养老金融的涵义 7

2.1.2商业银行养老金融业务的内涵 7

2.2商业银行发展养老金融业务的必要性 8

2.2.1抢先布局新市场的需要 8

2.2.2增强商业银行客户粘性 8

2.2.3借助养老金融业务开展中间业务获利 9

2.3商业银行发展养老金融业务的可行性 9

2.3.1中国人口老龄化趋势明显 9

2.3.2城镇化、少子化导致公民养老观念的转变 10

2.3.3居民收入水平上升产生养老理财需求 11

第3章 我国商业银行发展养老金融业务的SWOT分析 12

3.1我国养老金融业务现状 12

3.1.1我国商业银行养老金融业务发展阶段 12

3.1.2我国养老金融业务产品的发展现状 13

3.2我国养老金融业务发展机遇与挑战 15

3.2.1我国养老金融业务发展面临的机遇 15

3.2.2我国养老金融业务发展面临的挑战 16

3.3商业银行在养老金融业务中的优势与劣势 18

3.3.1商业银行发展养老金融业务的优势 18

3.3.2商业银行发展养老金融业务的劣势 19

第4章 国外商业银行养老金融业务经验 20

4.1美国金字塔式养老金融体系 20

4.2日本养老年金体统 23

4.3新加坡中央公积金制度与屋契回购计划 26

4.4经验借鉴 29

第5章 优化我国商业银行养老金融业务对策建议 31

5.1加大资源投入促进养老金融业务的发展 31

5.2打造多元化养老金融产品体系 32

5.3对养老金融产业提供多渠道资金支持 32

5.4积极探索新型养老金融业务 33

5.5成立专项部门并加强文化建设 34

第6章 结论与展望 36

6.1 结论 36

6.2展望 36

参考文献 37

致谢 39

第1章 绪论



据国家统计局的统计数据,2018年我国60周岁及以上的人口达到24949万人, 其中65周岁及以上的人口为16658万人,占全国总人口的比重分别为17.9%和11.9%。2017年该两项的占比分别为17.3%和11.4%。而2007年我国60周岁以上的人口则仅为1.53亿人,占全国总人口的比重为11.6%。自20世纪70年代以来,我国的生育率急剧下降,而随着改革开放的加深与经济高速发展,居民的预期寿命大幅增加。根据中国人民大学社会与人口学院翟振武[1]教授研究,2010年中国大陆的男性、女性的预期寿命分别是72.4岁和77.4岁,而到2050年预计会提高到78.1岁和83.1岁。综合因素造成了人口迅速老龄化的进程,诸多的养老相关问题日益严峻:全国各区域的养老产业发展明显出现失衡;老龄人口基数居世界第一位且正在加速增长;城乡发展差距巨大;部分欠发达地区“未富先老”现象普遍出现;养老配套设施发展时间短,基础条件差等等。庞大且在不断增长的老龄人口比重压力给家庭,社会乃至于国家的财政都给我们带来了沉重的经济负担和严峻挑战。因此,改善我国当前的养老经济环境成为各机构、企业及个人关注的一大焦点。

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