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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 经济学类 > 金融学 > 正文


 2021-10-24 15:26:29  

摘 要





The overseas investment of commercial Banks has always been one of the main ways for them to seek for expansion in the global scope. Especially since China is opening up the financial industry, more and more Chinese Banks choose to build branches overseas or acquire local Banks to achieve the purpose of expansion. With the implementation of the national strategy of "one belt and one road", countries along the belt and road have increasingly strong demand for financial services, which brings unprecedented opportunities for Chinese commercial Banks to "go global". However, under the opportunity, the process of Chinese Banks borrowing "One Belt And One Road" strategy to "go out" is also filled with more risks. Country risk, market risk, credit risk and so on has challenged the bank greatly.Only by recognizing such risks and to carry out effective risk management methods, through analyzing the effect of risk management means applied in the example, can the risk management measures be optimized and the risk management level of the bank's outbound investment be effectively improved, can the bank of China serve the national strategy of "One Belt And One Road".

This paper first analyzes the current situation of Chinese Banks' outbound investment, and then reveals the investment risks faced by Chinese Banks under the specific investment background of "One Belt And One Road" strategy.Then to Indonesia windu's bank of China construction bank mamp;a cases carried on the thorough analysis, pointed out that although Indonesia is a significant country in "One Belt And One Road" strategy and has a larger investment attraction of emerging markets, but because of its various factors, domestic Banks in the country's investment in China is faced with a series of risk. This paper summarizes the above risks and summarizes the risk management behavior and risk management experience of China construction bank in the process of outbound investment. In the last chapter, it gives relevant Suggestions on risk management optimization.

Key Words: "One Belt And One Road" strategy; Commercial Banks; Foreign investment risk; Risk management optimization


摘要 Ⅰ

Abstract Ⅱ

第1章 绪论 1

1.1研究背景及意义 1

1.2国内外研究动态 1

1.3 研究方法与研究思路 2

第2章 “一带一路”背景下我国商业银行对外投资发展现状 3

2.1 对外投资动机强烈 3

2.1.1 国内市场被挤占 3

2.1.2国外金融需求增加 3

2.2 投资规模与范围迅速扩张 3

2.3投资风险上升 4

2.3.1 全球经济下行 4

2.3.2 新型冠状病毒影响 5

第3章 “一带一路”背景下商业银行对外投资面临的主要风险 7

3.1决策风险 7

3.2 国家风险 7

3.2.1政治风险 7

3.2.2经济风险 8

3.2.3其它国家风险 9

3.3 法律风险 9

3.4 整合风险 10

第4章 建设银行并购印尼windu银行的案例分析 11

4.1并购双方简介 11

4.2并购项目简介 11

4.3并购风险与风险管控分析 12

4.3.1建行面临的主要风险 12

4.3.2建行采取的风险管理手段 13

第5章 建议与展望 15

5.1 建议对策 15

5.1.1选择合理的投资方案 15

5.1.2借力“一带一路”国家战略 15

5.1.3完善风险评估体系,强化风险全面管控 16

5.1.4落实专业人才培养 16

5.2 展望 17

参考文献 18

致谢 19

第1章 绪论



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