2021-08-26 00:13:47
摘 要
Asphalt pavements are widely applied in China's senior highways. However, due to the factors such as poor performance of asphalt mixture, poor construction process and natural conditions, asphalt pavements prone to generate damages such as potholes, loose, subsidence and alligator crack, which affect the driving quality and shorten the service life. By the application of surface treatment materials, the alligator cracked pavement can be repaired and thus increase the service life. This paper investigates the basic properties of two different surface treatment materials including RT-1000 crack treatment emulsion and RT-10000 surface treatment emulsion. Test sections of these two treatment emulsions were carried out and the service performance was tracked and recorded at different periods of time.
The basic experiments were carried out to obtain test data on solid content, penetration, softening point and ductility of these two materials. The storage stability and emulsion breaking test was done to study the feasibility of long-term storage and the breaking time that needs for construction. After the construction of test section, the permeability, skid resistance and roughness of the pavements was tracked through the permeability coefficient test, friction coefficient test and sand patch test. The cracking resistance and abrasion resistance of pavement was evaluated by taking pictures in situ. Finally, some cores were drilled at the test sections to understand the penetration effect of two surface treatment materials.
Experimental results showed that the RT-1000’s solid content is 50.27%, lower than 54.52% of RT-10000. The penetration of RT-1000 was greater than 160dmm, which is far higher than 62.6dmm of RT-10000. With respect to softening point, RT-1000 was less than 25 ℃, which is much lower than 57.2 of the RT-10000. The ductility of RT-1000 was more than 100mm, which is higher than the 73mm of RT-10000. The above test results indicated that RT-1000 material is relatively soft with small consistency, large deformability but poor high temperature properties; in addition RT-1000 emulsion was more suitable for long-term storage and required shorter time for breaking. Two emulsions can both make the permeability coefficient decreased to 0, while the RT-1000 treated pavement had a lower roughness of but worse skidding resistance. Furthermore, the RT-1000 treated section showed better crack resistance and abrasion resistance than RT-10000 treated section. The penetration depth indication from the drilled cores also proved that RT-1000 had a better repair effect.
Keywords: Asphalt pavement; alligator cracks; surface treatment; test section construction; track test
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
目 录 III
第一章 前 言 - 1 -
1.1 沥青路面的网裂 - 1 -
1.2 沥青路面的网裂的形成原因 - 2 -
1.3 沥青路面的网裂的处治方法 - 2 -
1.3.1 国外常用处治方法 - 3 -
1.3.2 国内常用处治方法 - 5 -
1.4 主要研究内容、目的及意义 - 6 -
1.4.1 研究的目的及意义 - 6 -
1.4.2 主要研究内容 - 7 -
1.5 技术路线 - 8 -
第二章 原材料及试验方法 - 9 -
2.1 原材料 - 9 -
2.1.1 乳液 - 9 -
2.1.2 耐磨骨料 - 9 -
2.2 试验方法 - 9 -
2.2.1 乳液基本性能试验 - 10 -
2.2.2 破乳后性能试验 - 16 -
第三章 乳液性能分析 - 20 -
3.1 乳液常规性能检测 - 20 -
3.2 乳液破乳速度试验 - 21 -
3.3 乳液与矿料粘附性实验 - 23 -
3.4 乳液贮存稳定性试验 - 24 -
第四章 试验段施工工艺与跟踪监测 - 25 -
4.1 试验段施工工艺 - 25 -
4.2 跟踪检测 - 26 -
4.2.1 表面构造深度 - 27 -
4.2.2 表面摩擦系数 - 28 -
4.2.3 渗水性能 - 30 -
4.2.4 抗开裂与耐磨耗性能 - 30 -
4.3 钻孔取芯 - 35 -
第五章 结 论 - 37 -
参考文献 - 38 -
致 谢 - 40 -
- 前 言
1.1 沥青路面的网裂
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