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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 材料类 > 复合材料与工程 > 正文


 2021-07-12 21:46:14  

摘 要



关键字:硅橡胶; 可瓷化复合材料; 耐烧蚀材料; 硼酚醛树脂


Boron-containing phenol-formaldehyde resin has more excellent high temperature ablation resistance, high thermal stability, excellent high temperature instantaneous ablation performance than ordinary phenolic resins.It can be used as an excellent high temperature resistant filler. In order to study the effects of boron-containing phenol-formaldehyde resin on the properties of silicone rubber composites, boron-containing phenol-formaldehyde resin,fumed silica, glass frit, muscovite have been added as filler into silicone rubber,the matrix. The thermal stability, mechanical properties, microstructure and ceramic transition mechanism after heat treatment are studied.

The result shows that :With the increase of content of boron-containing phenolic resin, the material’s thermal stability has improved ; The tensile strength of this material at 600 ℃ -1200 ℃ is between 0.52MPa-11.254MPa, and increased with the increasing temperature and content of boron-containing phenolic resin;SEM images show that as the temperature increases, the glass frit eutectic liquid gradually expanded and densified to form a continuous structure, accelerating the generation of the ceramic structure; XRD spectra show that at high temperature,K, SiO2 and Al2O3 in glass frit, mica and SiO2 produced by silicone rubber base chemical depolymerization reaction of silicone rubber form potassium aluminum silicate(K2O · Al2O3 · 6SiO2). Boron-containing phenol-formaldehyde resin decomposed to produce carbon,which can react with SiO2 in glass frit, mica,forming silicon carbide. Both potassium aluminum silicate and silicon carbide can promote the ablation resistance of the material.

Keywords: silicone rubber;composites;erosion resistance materials;boron-containing phenolic resin

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 引言 1

1.2 硅橡胶概述 1

1.2.1 硅橡胶的结构特点 1

1.2.2 硅橡胶的特性 2

1.2.3 硅橡胶的主要品种及其性能 4

1.2.4 硅橡胶的加工工艺 7

1.3 硅橡胶耐烧蚀复合材料概述 8

1.3.1 可瓷化硅橡胶研究进展 8

1.3.2 陶瓷化机理 9

1.4 本课题的研究内容与意义 9

第2章 实验部分 11

2.1 原料 11

2.2 实验配方 11

2.3 主要设备及仪器 12

2.4 硅橡胶基复合材料制备 12

2.4.1 硅橡胶的混炼 13

2.4.2 硅橡胶的硫化 13

2.5 性能测试与表征 13

2.5.1 耐烧蚀性能测试 13

2.5.2 热稳定性测试 13

2.5.3 弯曲强度测试 14

2.5.4 SEM分析 14

2.5.5 XRD分析 15

第3章 结果与讨论 16

3.1 硅橡胶基复合材料的热稳定性能 16

3.2 硅橡胶基复合材料热解后的弯曲强度 17

3.3 硅橡胶基复合材料热解后的宏观形貌 18

3.4 硅橡胶基复合材料热解后的断面微观形貌 19

3.5 硅橡胶基复合材料热解后的结构分析 21

第4章 结论 23

参考文献 24

致 谢 26

第1章 绪论

1.1 引言



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