2021-04-26 22:48:58
摘 要
The functionally graded material has the design and controllability of its performance and structure, and can design and control the toughness, strength, electrical and thermal properties of the material, and it can be applied to the application requirements of different occasions. The concept of gradient material is introduced into cement concrete to improve the performance of concrete by changing the composition of concrete so that it can be applied in a particularly complex engineering environment.
In recent years, the research on gradient concrete has focused on the re-stratification of the existing concrete structure layer, the impermeable layer, the surface treatment and other means, and then analyze the interface orientation of the layers in the gradient structure concrete and the construction technology The compressive strength of the specimen and the failure mode. In this regard has achieved good results. But this is only done by external additions to the durability enhancement and does not give a substantial gradient functional design from the cement-based material's own system.
In this paper, we study the incorporation of a certain amount of pure γ-C2S into cement and make a cement test block. After a period of carbonization and standard curing, the stress-strain curve test of the test piece is carried out. And the test piece for thermogravimetric analysis, XRD analysis.
The results show that the incorporation of γ-C2S can change the internal stress structure of the cement sample, so that the test piece has the characteristics of the mechanical gradient, and it can not lose the support ability when the compressive stress is damaged. The In the stress-strain curve, the test piece is damaged and the descending section appears and the downward trend is smooth.
Key Words:γ-C2S;Gradient material;stress-strain;Accelerate carbonization;
目 录
摘要 I
Abstract II
第一章绪论 1
1.1 功能梯度材料 1
1.2 梯度混凝土的研究现状 2
1.2.1高性能、高耐久性混凝土混凝土 2
1.2.2纤维混凝土 3
1.3 γ-C2S碳化 4
1.4 研究目的与意义 6
1.5 研究内容及技术路线 7
1.5.1 研究内容 7
1.5.2 技术路线 8
第二章γ-C2S矿相的制备、检测和分析方法 9
2 .1主要原材料及其性质 9
2.2实验设备 9
2.3 γ-C2S矿相的制备 9
第三章实验原材料及测试方法 11
3.1 实验原料 11
3.2水泥净浆试件制备 12
3.3实验测试方法 12
3.3.1 MTS力学实验系统 12
3.3.2 TG‐DSC 分析 12
3.3.3 SEM‐EDS分析 12
第四章结果分析与讨论 14
4.1 力学性能分析 14
4.1.1抗压强度 14
4.1.2 弹性模量 15
4.2 TG分析 16
4.3 SEM‐EDS分析 18
第五章结论与展望 20
5.1 结论 20
5.2 展望 20
参考文献 22
致谢 24
1.1 功能梯度材料
功能梯度材料是根据使用者的具体使用需求,选用两种或者两种以上不同性能的材料,采用先进的材料复合技术, 使得材料中间的组成和结构呈现连续的梯度变化, 在内部不含有显而易见的界面,从而使得材料变成性质和功能都呈现出连续平稳变化的一种非均质复合材料。其特点是其性能和结构的可设计性和控制性,从而实现了对材料的韧性、强度、电学和热学特性等的人为设计以及控制,以便可以适用于不同场合下的应用要求。比如, 在设计航天飞机的燃烧冲压式发动机燃烧室的壁面时,将具有优良耐热性能的陶瓷作为需要接触高温气体的一侧的使用材料,使得这一侧的耐热性能好;而在另外接触到制冷材料的那一侧选用金属材料,能够让这一侧材料具有良好的导热性能以及机械性能。在两个界面之间,使用先进的材料复合技术,通过控制陶瓷与金属的相对组成及组织结构等,使得金属与陶瓷之间的部分的组成和结构呈现出连续的梯度的变化, 内部不存在明显的界面,从而使整个材料具有良好的耐热性和机械强度。
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