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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 理工学类 > 轮机工程 > 正文


 2021-04-14 22:37:58  

摘 要





This paper mainly focuses on the main propulsion power plant of 1400TEU ocean branch container ship, and makes detailed calculation and description of the selection and arrangement of each equipment in the engine room. The selection of all equipment complies with the relevant specifications and relevant calculations are designed in accordance with relevant manuals.

This paper is mainly divided into the selection of propulsion devices, the selection of major equipment, and the layout of cabin equipment. The host selection starts from the empirical formula to calculate the resistance of the ship, and then it is initially matched with the design. When the selected model is inconsistent with the effective power, the termination matching design is performed to determine the optimal propulsion device parameters; the major equipment is first referenced to relevant specifications and calculated according to the relevant formulas. One by one, the systems are carried out in an orderly manner, and the equipment with the appropriate parameters is selected based on the results; the layout of the equipment in the engine room must be considered as a whole, starting from the ship structure, according to the ship's fuel pipe system, oil pipeline system, cooling water system, compressed air system, and bilge water system. The ballast water system, the fire fighting system, the living water system, and the cabin ventilation system were sequentially performed.

Key words: feeder container ship;propulsion device design;selection for engine room device;engine room arrangement


摘要 I

第1章 绪论 1

第2章 推进装置型式确定与选型分析 2

2.1 船舶给定技术参数 2

2.2 船舶阻力计算 2

2.2 初步匹配设计 3

2.3 主机选型分析 4

2.4 终结匹配设计 5

第3章 主要设备选型 7

3.1 主机选用机型 7

3.2 柴油发电机组 7

3.2.1主柴油发电机组 7

3.2.2应急发电机 8

3.3 废气/燃油锅炉 8

第4章 船舶系统的计算 9

4.1 燃油系统 9

4.1.1 主机燃油消耗量 9

4.1.2 辅机燃油消耗量 9

4.1.3 辅锅炉燃油消耗量 9

4.1.4 油舱总容积 10

4.1.5 日用油柜容积估算 10

4.2 滑油系统 12

4.2.1 主机滑油消耗量 12

4.2.2 辅机滑油消耗量 13

4.2.3 贮油舱容积 13

4.2.4 滑油循环泵排量(主滑油泵) 14

4.2.5 主机滑油循环柜 14

4.2.6 滑油沉淀柜 14

4.2.7 污油柜 14

4.2.8 油渣柜 14

4.2.9 滑油输送泵 15

4.3 冷却系统 15

4.3.1 膨胀水箱 15

4.3.2 冷却水泵 15

4.4 压缩空气系统 15

4.4.1 空气瓶 15

4.4.2 空气压缩机 16

4.5 舱底水系统 16

4.5.1 舱底水泵 16

4.5.2 舱底水油水分离器 16

4.6 消防系统 17

4.6.1 主消防泵 17

4.6.2 应急消防泵 17

4.6.3 消防总管通径 17

4.7 供水系统 17

4.7.1 淡水压力柜容积 17

第5章 设备明细表 19

第6章 轮机说明书 23

6.1 机舱布置及轴系 23

6.2 主要机械设备和油水舱柜 23

6.2.1 主机 23

6.2.2 电站 23

6.2.3 废气/燃油组合锅炉 25

6.2.4 其它设备 25

6.3 动力管系 25

6.3.1 冷却水管系 25

6.3.2 燃油管系 26

6.4 滑油管系 26

6.4.1 主机滑油日用管系 26

6.4.2 滑油驳运及净化管系 27

6.4.3 滑油泄放管系 27

6.5 压缩空气系统 27

6.5.1 主机、柴油机起动压缩空气 27

6.5.2 机舱蒸汽、凝水给水管系 27

6.5.3 机舱蒸汽加热管系 27

6.6 船舶系统 27

6.6.1 压载消防管系 27

6.6.2 全船舱底压载管系 28

6.6.3 供水系统 28

6.6.4 疏排水系统 28

6.6.5 污水处理管系 29

6.6.6 全船空气测量注入系统 29

结论 30

参考文献 31

致谢 32

第1章 绪论



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