2021-04-04 23:38:50
摘 要
This paper takes the combination of youth social work method and STEAM education connotation as the research objective, in order to achieve the purpose of interaction in practice. On the basis of horizontal comparison of research results at home and abroad, we deeply do research in the necessity of combining these two in practice, interactive mechanism and jointly promoted development of social education goals by connecting the investigation with practical experience. Meanwhile, we accumulated case materials in the process of participating and observing the activities carried out by a relevant public welfare institution. When exploring the validity of the combination of these two in practice, the results obtained have important guiding significance for the follow-up activities and model promotion.
This paper mainly studies the aspects that teenagers' social work can participate in STEAM education in the operation and development of public welfare projects.
The results show that, the youth social work rarely participates in the STEAM education and the form of combination is mechanical at present. STEAM education is mainly developed by commercial institutions, which are motivated by the pursuit of profits. The goal is to improve students' ability to understand and apply knowledge through STEAM education methods and technical means, which is directly reflected in their academic performance. The activities carried out by relevant public welfare organizations are scientific popularization, which promotes students' interest in natural science and study of scientific knowledge through scientific and technological activities. Therefore, there are very few institutions that actually apply social work theory and working method to STEAM education field. Some of them only claim their activities the youth social work, but in fact, the teaching contents mainly focus on the theoretical knowledge of natural science without the true combination. In practice, there is still a long way to realize the organic interaction between these two parts, and both sides can play a great role together.
Features of this paper: we take interdisciplinary activities as the research content and this paper studies how social work can participate in STEAM education; The research method is participatory survey, focusing on practice.
Key Words:STEAM education;Youth social work;Transdisciplinary;Migrant children
目 录
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 问题的提出及研究意义 1
1.1.1 问题的提出 1
1.1.2 研究意义 1
1.2 国内外研究现状 1
1.2.1 国外相关研究综述 1
1.2.2 国内相关研究综述 2
1.2.3 文献简评 2
1.3 研究思路、研究方法及创新点 3
1.3.1 研究思路 3
1.3.2 研究方法 3
1.3.3 创新点 3
第2章 国内外STEAM教育发展动态 4
2.1 从STEM到STEAM的国际发展进程 4
2.2 国内对STEAM教育的研究与发展要求 4
2.3 国内STEAM教育的现状 5
2.3.1 国情背景 5
2.3.2 政策影响 6
2.3.3 社会需求 6
第3章 青少年社会工作参与STEAM的优势与不足 8
3.1 社会本位与个人本位视角下个体核心素养培育的优势 8
3.1.1 核心素养的培育对课程教学方式方法转变的要求 8
3.1.2 调研目标机构针对核心素养培育的STEAM课程设计 8
3.1.3 服务内容设计 11
3.2 针对课程参与学生的实证调查 13
3.2.1 学生科学自觉的调查 13
3.2.2 学生个案的追踪调查 15
第4章 对青少年STEAM教育社会工作的思考 17
4.1 从STEAM教育教育领域推动自身发展与合作建设 17
4.2 推动STEAM教育资源下沉,促进教育公平性发展 17
4.3 社会工作助推STEAM教育,链接各方资源助力发展 18
第5章 总结 19
参考文献 20
致谢 22
第1章 绪论
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