2021-03-28 22:05:16
摘 要
经过调湿测试研究出在固液比为1:5,浸渍时间为90min条件下, CaCl2与硅藻土质量比为0.35时,制备出的CaCl2改性硅藻土拥有最大吸湿率以及最大放湿率,分别是131%和126%。
经过对样品热学性能分析,研究出的结论是当硬脂酸的质量分数50%,CaCl2、硬脂酸改性过的硅藻土拥有相对最佳的调温性能,在温度变化过程中吸热量和放热量都较大,反应的焓变分别是ΔH=39. 9230 J/g、ΔH=36.4213 J/g。
Diatomite modified with calcium chloride and stearic acid was prepared to adjust humidity and temperature by sintering raw diatomite and a immersion method to add inorganic salts.
The CaCl2 modified diatomite has the maximum moisture absorption rate and the maximum wetting rate when the mass ratio of CaCl2 to diatomite is 0.35, the solid-liquid ratio is 1: 5, and the immersion time is 90min. Rates were 131% and 126% respectively.
The best thermoregulation of CaCl2 and stearic acid modified diatomaceous earth can be achieved when the mass fraction of stearic acid is 50% by analyzing thermal properties. The heat absorption is larger during heating, and the enthalpy change of the reaction is ΔH = 39. 9230J / g. During cooling, more heat is released, and the enthalpy change is ΔH = 36.4213J / g.
The prepared CaCl2 and stearic acid modified diatomaceous earth has properties to adjust humidity and temperature and the production process is simple. After the preparation of the composite test, it is known that the prepared CaCl2 and stearic acid modified diatomaceous earth has good properties of humidity control. But it has little impact on controlling the temperature of the environment at room.
Key Words: diatomite;calcium chloride; stearic acid; humidity control;
摘 要 I
Abstract II
目录 1
第1章 绪论 3
1.1 硅藻土矿物材料 3
1.1.1 硅藻及硅藻土的简介 3
1.1.2 硅藻土的性质 3
1.1.3 硅藻土的开发与应用 4
1.2 调湿材料 4
1.2.1 调湿材料 4
1.2.2 调湿材料的调湿原理 5
1.2.3 调湿材料的分类 6
1.2.4 调湿材料的开发进展与应用 6
1.3 调温材料 7
1.3.1 相变材料 7
1.3.2 相变材料的分类 7
1.3.3 复合储热材料 7
1.4 研究的目的及研究的内容 8
第2章 实验方案及方法 9
2.1 实验材料 9
2.2 实验仪器 9
2.3 样品的分析与表征技术 10
2.4 硅藻土基调湿调温材料制备工艺 10
2.4.1 硅藻土提纯 11
2.4.2 调湿硅藻土 12
2.4.3 调温硅藻土 12
2.4.4 硅藻土成型 13
第3章 硅藻土调湿调温性能的研究 14
3.1 煅烧对硅藻土的影响 14
3.1.1 硅藻土的表观形貌 14
3.1.2 硅藻土的微观形貌 14
3.1.3 比表面积及孔径分析 15
3.2 无机盐对硅藻土的影响 17
3.2.1 氯化钙(CaCl2)改性硅藻土的吸湿性 17
3.2.2 氯化钙(CaCl2)改性硅藻土的放湿性 18
3.2.3 氯化钙(CaCl2)改性硅藻土的吸湿机理探讨 19
3.2.4 氯化钙(CaCl2)改性硅藻土的微观形貌 19
3.3 相变材料对硅藻土的影响 20
3.3.1 氯化钙、硬脂酸改性硅藻土的热性能 20
3.3.2 氯化钙、硬脂酸改性硅藻土的微观性能 23
3.4 氯化钙、硬脂酸改性硅藻土的性能 23
第4章 结论 26
参考文献 27
致 谢 29
第1章 绪论
1.1 硅藻土矿物材料
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