2021-03-21 01:00:33
摘 要
In recent times, small and medium-sized enterprises have played a more and more important role in promoting China's economy. As a result of the characteristics of SMEs, the funds of SMEs are very limited, which are unable to meet their own financial needs. The establishment and development of the new three board market make it possible for SMEs to issue stock to finance. To a certain extent, it helps SMEs to solve the financial problems. However, it is not clear whether these funds will improve the financing performance of SMEs. Therefore, this paper puts forward the countermeasures to improve the performance of new three-board financing by analyzing the changes of financing performance of SMEs.
As of the end of 2016, 10163 SMEs listed on the new three board market. With the new three board market growing, we can gradually see its financing effect on SMEs. The new three board market has gradually become not only can improve the high growth of high-tech SMEs’ financing problems but also can be beneficial to the development of various industries of the national equity market.
This paper first elaborates the research background, the content and the research methods. At the same time, the literature review method is used to sort out the research at home and abroad. Secondly, the related concepts that are mentioned in the paper are defined and introduce the characteristics of SMEs financing, the development process of the new three board market and the evaluation methods of financing performance in detail. Thirdly, analyze the present situation of SMEs financing, the development of the new three board market and sum up the financing problems that SMEs face in the new three board market; Fourth, through the analysis of Beijing Connected Information Technology Co., Ltd., the “new three board” market not only can help solve the financing difficulties of SMEs but also can help enterprises to scale the scale, enhance the operational capacity, profitability, solvency, growth and corporate reputation; Fifth, point out the factors that affect the financing performance of the new three board market and give countermeasures. Finally, the paper summarizes the whole paper and prospects the future development of the new three board market.
Key Words: SMEs; the New Three Board Market; Financing Performance; CONNECTE
目 录
第1章 绪论 1
1.1研究目的和意义 1
1.1.1 研究目的 1
1.1.2 研究意义 1
1.2 国内外研究现状综述 2
1.2.1国外研究现状 2
1.2.2国内研究现状 2
1.2.3 国内外研究述评 3
1.3 研究内容与方法 4
1.3.1研究内容 4
1.3.2研究方法 4
第2章 中小企业新三板市场融资绩效的理论基础 6
2.1 中小企业 6
2.1.1 中小企业概念界定 6
2.1.2 中小企业融资特点 7
2.2 新三板市场 8
2.2.1 新三板市场的内涵 8
2.2.2新三板市场的发展历程 8
2.2.3 新三板市场的准入条件 9
2.3 融资绩效 9
2.3.1融资绩效的概念界定 9
2.3.2 企业绩效评价方法 10
第3章 中小企业新三板市场的融资现状分析 12
3.1 中小企业融资现状 12
3.2 新三板市场的发展现状 13
3.2.1 新三板市场挂牌企业数量 13
3.2.2 新三板市场挂牌企业区域与行业分布 14
3.2.3 新三板市场股票成交概况 15
3.3 中小企业新三板市场融资存在的问题分析 16
第4章 科能腾达新三板市场融资绩效分析 17
4.1 科能腾达背景介绍 17
4.2 科能腾达融资情况 17
4.2.1 新三板市场融资情况 17
4.2.2 其他渠道融资情况 18
4.3 科能腾达融资绩效分析 19
4.3.1财务指标分析 19
4.3.2非财务指标分析 22
4.3.3 公司融资绩效总结 23
第5章 提升中小企业新三板市场融资绩效的对策 24
5.1 中小企业新三板市场融资绩效的影响因素分析 24
5.2 提升新三板市场融资绩效的对策 25
5.2.1 完善新三板市场方面 25
5.2.2 企业自身控制方面 26
第6章 结论 27
参考文献 29
致 谢 30
第1章 绪论
1.1.1 研究目的
从国内经济发展状况来看,中小企业在推动我国经济快速可持续发展、增加就业机会、实现社会稳定的过程中扮演着越来越重要的角色。目前我国中小企业面临着融资的困难,国家为解决这一难题,不断努力完善我国资本市场。新三板市场的不断健全发展是建立健全我国资本市场体系重要环节之一。新三板建立于2006年,由于主要承接的是中关村科技园中高科技企业的股份转让,与以往的老三板不同,因此被称为新三板。根据相关数据显示,2013年《全国中小企业股份转让系统业务规则(试行)》发布之后,中小企业通过资本市场直接融资得到了飞速发展,截至 2016年12月31日,新三板市场挂牌企业达到10163家。虽然新三板市场挂牌企业数量以及股票成交数量都在快速增加,但与此同时企业是否己经实实在在享受到市场的福利、是否已解决中小企业的融资问题、中小企业的经营业绩是否已得到提升,这些都是不得而知的。鉴于此,本文主要运用案例分析法对中小企业挂牌新三板前后的融资绩效进行计算与分析。
1.1.2 研究意义 理论意义
1.12.2 现实意义
1.2 国内外研究现状综述
国外文献很少对企业融资绩效进行直接定义与研究,有关中小企业融资的研究主要集中在其融资困境的解决方法上。国外方面,Venkatrama和Ramanujani(1987)指出公司绩效应当包括三个方面,分别为商业、财务及组织效果[1];Andy Neely和Chris Adams(2000)认为因为绩效具有很多的特性,没有一个通用的方法来评价企业经营绩效。从不同的角度,可以采取不同的绩效评价方法来对企业绩效进行评价。