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毕业论文网 > 任务书 > 材料类 > 复合材料与工程 > 正文


 2020-06-23 20:44:10  

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2. 参考文献

[1]张少华, 卢都友, 徐江涛, 等. 白云石和石灰石微粉对水泥砂浆强度和水化产物的影响[J]. 硅酸盐学报, 2016, 44(8): 1125-1132. [2] 杨梦卉, 何真, 杨华美. 碾压混凝土中高掺石灰石粉与粉煤灰的耦合作用[J]. 水泥, 2017, 64: 64.3. [3] 刘数华. 石灰石粉对复合胶凝材料水化特性的影响[J]. 建築材料學報, 2010, 13(2): 218-221 242. [4] 谢慧东, 张云飞, 栾佳春. 石灰石粉对水泥-粉煤灰混凝土性能的影响[J]. 硅酸盐通报, 2012 (2012 年 02): 371-376. [5] De Weerdt K, Haha M B, Le Saout G, et al. Hydration mechanisms of ternary Portland cements containing limestone powder and fly ash[J]. Cement and Concrete Research, 2011, 41(3): 279-291. [6] 马昆林, 龙广成, 谢友均, 等. 水泥-粉煤灰-石灰石粉复合浆体的流变性能[J]. 硅酸盐学报, 2013, 41(5): 582-587. [7] Feleko#287;lu B, Tosun K, Baradan B, et al. The effect of fly ash and limestone fillers on the viscosity and compressive strength of self-compacting repair mortars[J]. Cement and concrete research, 2006, 36(9): 1719-1726. [8] De Weerdt K, Kjellsen K O, Sellevold E, et al. Synergy between fly ash and limestone powder in ternary cements[J]. Cement and concrete composites, 2011, 33(1): 30-38. [9] Vance K, Aguayo M, Oey T, et al. Hydration and strength development in ternary portland cement blends containing limestone and fly ash or metakaolin[J]. Cement and Concrete Composites, 2013, 39: 93-103. [10] Y#305;lmaz B, Olgun A. Studies on cement and mortar containing low-calcium fly ash, limestone, and dolomitic limestone[J]. Cement and Concrete Composites, 2008, 30(3): 194-201.

3. 毕业设计(论文)进程安排

2018.-1-2018.03 查阅相关文献资料,撰写开题报告与制定实验方案 2018.03-2018.04 原材料分析及实验方案优化 2018.04-2018.05 力学性能及水化性能实验 2018.05-2018.06 分析实验结果并撰写毕业论文

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