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 2022-01-06 20:24:39  


摘 要






关键词: 苏轼;黄州;尺牍


The letters written by Su Shi in Huangzhou period are rich in content, which can reflect the author's state of mind and thoughts, and have unique aesthetic value. Su Shi wrote about 250 letters in Huangzhou, accounting for about one-sixth of its total, and has a large room for discussion. Through a close reading of the letters written by Sushi in his Huangzhou period, this paper explores his complex state of mind and social intercourse in this period, and discusses the emotional content and creative characteristics of the letters in his Huangzhou period from the perspective of stylistics.

This paper mainly adopts three research methods. First, This paper adopts the method of literature study. Read the text carefully and make a detailed analysis of Su Shi's rulers in Huangzhou period through excerpts, data statistics, and content classification compilation. Second, This paper adopts the method of comparative study. By comparing the writings of Su Shi in Huangzhou period with other literary works, we pay attention to the different characteristics of different literary works in expressing mood and emotion. Third, This paper adopts the method of stylistic methods. Based on the stylistic characteristics and aesthetic characteristics of the scrip, this paper studies the artistic value of the scrip in The Period of Su Shi huangzhou.

In terms of emotional content, Su Shi described the scenery of mountains and rivers in his writings, communicated with his friends about the current situation of reading and creation, and talked freely about the way to nourish his life. His writing state and life interest were reflected in his writings. First of all, Su Shi described the natural scenery around his residence, Lin Gao Pavilion and Dongpo Xue Tang in his writings, which naturally reflected his own state of mind and showed his open-mindedness. Secondly, in the state of relegation, Su Shi did not forget to read and write, and often communicated poetry with friends in his writings, instead of immersing himself in pain, he actively adjusted his mood. Thirdly, Su Shi was good at health preservation. He often expressed his unique views on health preservation in his writings, close to nature, recuperating body and mind.

In terms of the characteristics of his writings, the writings written by Su Shi in Huangzhou period were plain and smooth, with profound meaning, humorous expression, clear and free writing, and rich literary implication. First of all, most of his works in Huangzhou are plain and smooth. There is no particularly ornate rhetoric, only plain words. But behind the words, there is no lack of profound emotion and ideological content, reaching the realm of true and pure nature. Secondly, Su Shi's writing is characterized by humor. He often uses a humorous and self-deprecating tone when writing, which makes his writing both interesting and profound. Thirdly, the letters written by Su Shi in Huangzhou period have a clear and distant artistic conception. In describing the landscape and his own state of mind, Su Shi was good at writing and good at rhetoric, which made his writing quite clear and free of artistic conception.

Su Shi's emotional content and artistic style in the Huangzhou period have unique aesthetic value and literary meaning. This article carefully sorts out Su Shi's rulers in Huangzhou period, discusses their emotional content and creative style, and to a certain extent enriches the existing Su Shi ruler studies.

Key words: Su Shi; Huangzhou; Letters


摘要 I

Abstract III

第一章 绪论 1

1.1文献综述 1

1.2研究方法 3

第二章 苏轼黄州时期尺牍概况 4

2.1尺牍中的贬谪心境 4

2.2尺牍中的交游情况 6

第三章 苏轼黄州时期尺牍的情感内容 8

3.1山川风貌 8

3.2阅读创作 9

3.3养生之道 10

第四章 苏轼黄州时期尺牍的创作风格 12

4.1平易畅达 12

4.2幽默风趣 13

4.3清旷悠远 14

第五章 结语 16

参考文献 17

致谢 19

第一章 绪论





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