2021-10-27 22:07:09
摘 要
In recent years, the adaptation of Network novels into TV dramas has become the normal conditions.a large number of popular adaptation of TV dramas occupy the front page of each major broadcasting platform. Now there are a lot of studies on the adaptation of Network novels on the Internet, and the adaptation of Network novels has become a noteworthy cultural phenomenon. With the passage of time, with the emergence of a large number of movies and TV shows, the audience's ability to appreciate movies and TV has been improving.So at present, it is very important to study what kind of film and TV adaptation can obtain the audience's approval and what needs to be paid attention to when further studying the completion of film and TV adaptation. This article through Literature Review, case analysis, comparative analysis of the network novel adaptation of Film and Television phenomenon to understand the status of research on the same topics, search and statistics the relevant data of the network novel movie and Television Adaptation Works, carry on the conformity analysis to the success and the failure case, at the same time studies the network novel to become the movie and Television play the process, discusses its adaptation matters needing attention, this paper analyzes the operation strategies and prospects of the adaptation of Network novels, and seeks the problems and countermeasures.
Keywords: Network Novel, Film Adaptation, script, strategy
网络小说影视改编现象探析 1
摘要 3
关键词 3
0绪论 5
0.1研究意义和目的 5
0.2研究现状综述 5
0.3研究内容及研究方法 6
1网络小说影视改编的现状 7
1.1网络小说影视改编剧的流行 7
1.2网络小说影视改编作品的成败 9
2网络小说的影视改编策略 12
2.1改编剧本的编写策略 12
2.2影视改编剧的拍摄策略 14
3网络小说影视改编剧的运营策略 15
3.1软文宣传和话题炒作 15
3.2.网络社交平台的宣传 15
3.3热点炒作和引导 16
4网络小说影视改编的未来发展分析 17
4.1影视改编未来发展选择 17
4.2影视改编热的前景分析 17
5结语 19
参考文献 20
致谢 21
网络小说是“以网络为媒介发表、传播、阅读、反馈的文学作品,是首发于网络并带有网络性质的文学。网络小说影视改编是以网络小说为IP(Intellectual property)脚本的产业链延伸活动,从文学文本到影视剧作品的转换[[1]]。
自从2004 年,第一部网络小说改编剧《第一次亲密接触》播出,开启了网络小说的改编之路,但是由于早期网络的限制,网民数量稀少,并没有引起多大的反响。随着互联网的发展、手机等移动设备的普及,中国网民的数量得到极大的增长,从而为网络文学的消费提供了巨大的市场,最后结果是网络小说得到了发展和成熟。由于常年的传统小说数量有限,在过去的几十年间不断改编和翻拍,观众的兴趣在不断减少。随时间发展,题材丰富,内容新颖,拥有大量粉丝基础的网络小说就吸引了众多编剧和影视制造商的目光,从而引起了近年来网络小说改编影视的热潮。而近年来,网络小说改编影视作品越来越多,时代在进步,人民生活水平也在不断提高,对影视的需求较以往也会有所不同,所以本文对近年来网络小说改编的影视进行分析,从不同方面探讨其共性,并针对不同作品的影评进行分析,研究其运营策略和效果,得出问题与对策。希望能研究明白网络小说受编剧热爱的各项要素和什么样的影视改编剧能满足人民需求。
表0.1 研究现状
研究方向 | 研究文献案例 |
探讨某一影视改编成功的因素 | 郭雅楠《网络小说改编影视作品的成功因素——以电视剧lt;大江大河gt;为例》[[2]] |
探究影视改编的意义和影响 | 李鋆《网络小说影视改编的意义和影响》[[3]] |
研究网络小说影视改编IP | 张丽君《网络小说IP全版权运营版权保护》[[4]] |
分析网络小说影视改编的利弊 | 孟宁馨《论网络小说改编电视剧存在的问题》[[5]]
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