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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 土木建筑类 > 给排水科学与工程 > 正文


 2021-03-15 20:29:10  

摘 要


根据该市的总体规划,该地区近期(2022年)设计人口数为10万人。远期(2030年)设计人口数为15万人。污水管网系统只设一条主干管,将污水输送至西南角的污水处理厂。雨管网系统设三条主干管与等高线平行,将雨水直接排入莆西河。本设计中污水处理厂的规模为近期30053m³/d,远期37191 m³/d。采用的生物处理工艺是AAO活性污泥法,出水符合国家一级A排放标准。污水处理后产生的污泥经压滤后外运。




The town in Putian is located in the middle of Fujian coastal areas, east of the Taiwan Strait, and Taiwan across the sea, north of the provincial capital of Fuzhou, south of Quanzhou and close to Xiamen. The design area is about 12.61 square kilometers. The north ground of town is higher than the south, there is a river called Puxi River River flow by at the west of the town. The center of the city has not yet formed an independent shunt drainage network system, there are only the confluence drainage system, there is no one city sewage treatment plant. Urban sewage is directly dischargred to the PuXiRiver, resulting in river water quality decline, water and the surrounding environment are polluted

According to the city's overall plan, the region recently (2022) design population is 100,000 people. Long-term (2030) design population is 150,000 people. Sewage network system only sets up a trunk pipe, the sewage will be transported to the southwest corner of the sewage treatment plant. Rain pipe network system sets up three trunk parallels which parallel with contour lines, the rain directly discharged into the Puxi River. The size of the design of the sewage treatment plant for the recent is 30053m³/d, for long-term is 379191m³/d. The biological treatment process is AAO activated sludge method, effluent quality accord with the national level A emission standards. The sludge produced after the sewage treatment is filtered and transported to the outside.

The drawings of the design are: the plan of the rainwater pipe network system, the section plan of the rainwater trunk pipe, the area of the rainwater catchment area, the plan of the sewage pipe network system, the section plan of the sewage main pipe, the layout plan of the sewage treatment plant, the detail drawing of grit chamber, the detail drawing of pump room, the detail drawing of AAO reaction pool, the detail drawing of radial sedimentation tank.

Key Words: rainwater pipe network system, sewage pipe network system, sewage treatment plant, AAO reaction pool


1.绪论 1

2.设计说明书 2

2.1原始资料 2

2.1.1自然条件 2

2.1.2城市概况 2

2.1.3设计成果 3

2.1.4排水体制 3

2.1.5.污水处理厂厂址的选择 4

2.2雨水管网系统设计 4

2.2.1暴雨强度公式 5

2.2.2雨水设计流量计算 6

2.3.3雨水管网水力计算 8

2.3.4雨水管道管材及管材用量 9

2.3污水管网工程设计 10

2.3.1设计参数 10

2.3.2污水设计流量计算 11

2.3.3污水管网水力计算 13

2.3.4管道及管材用量 13

2.4污水处理厂工程设计 14

2.4.1工程规模 14

2.4.2设计水质 14

2.4.3工艺方案比较 14

2.4.4污水处理构筑物设计 16

2.4.5污水处理厂平面布置与高程布置 21

2.5排水工程投资估算 22

2.5.1污水处理厂投资估算 22

2.5.2单位水成本费估算 22

2.5.3管道工程投资估算 22

3.设计计算书 23

3.1雨水管道系统计算 23

3.1.1重现期 24

3.1.2集水时间的确定 24

3.1.3暴雨强度公式 25

3.1.4雨水设计流量 25

3.1.5雨水管渠设计流量计算公式 25

3.1.6径流系数的确定 25

3.1.7雨水管渠水力计算 26

3.1.8雨水管渠设计计算 26

3.2污水管道系统计算 27

3.2.1污水设计流量确定 28

3.2.2污水管道水力计算 29

3.2.3污水管网水力计算 32

3.3污水处理厂的计算 32

3.3.1中格栅 33

3.3.2细格栅 37

3.3.3沉砂池 39

3.3.4 A2/O反应池 41

3.3.5二沉池 52

3.3.6配水井及综合井 58

3.3.7消毒池 61

3.3.8计量设备及排放口 63

3.4污泥处理系统的计算 65

3.4.1污泥量 65

3.4.2污泥处理 65

3.4.3污泥脱水间设计 66

3.4.4混凝剂的选择与投加方式的确定 67

3.5污水厂平面布置 70

3.6提升泵房的计算 72

3.6.1高程计算 72

3.6.2提升泵房计算 75

3.7排水工程投资估算 76

3.7.1污水处理厂估算 76

3.7.2单位水成本费估算 80

3.7.3管道工程投资估算 80

4.结束语 83

参考文献 84

附录 85

致谢 86





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