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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 土木建筑类 > 给排水科学与工程 > 正文


 2022-05-22 21:13:27  


摘 要



参照杨永飞等人在《微污染水源处理》中的实验结果,采取高锰酸钾投加量为1.0mg/L,聚合氯化铝投加量为 20mg/L的强化混凝配比。

而水处理工艺流程大致为:水源 ---- 河岸式取水构筑物 ---- 一级泵房 ---- 自动加药设备(高锰酸钾和聚合氯化铝) ---- 机械搅拌澄清池 ----折板絮凝池----平流式沉淀池----石英砂滤池 ---- 生物活性炭滤池 ----消毒加氯间 ---- 清水池 ---- 二级泵房 ---- 配水管网 ---- 用户







   利用活性炭滤料的强吸附能力( 活性炭比表面积在 1000m 2 /g 左右 ),去除水中的色、嗅、味和有机污染物,减少消毒副产物的产生,获得优质水。所以我采用了活性炭滤池作为深度处理。 虽然提高了造价,但是它的优点也是比较明显1 、活性炭吸附技术处理程度高。2 、应用范围广,适应性强。3 、活性炭可再生和重复使用。4 、设备紧凑,管理方便。



关键词:水厂 富营养化 处理工艺 成本预算


The recent design of the project is 120000 m3/d, the forward design is 1.6 times of the recent design, and the water pressure of the factory is 45mH2O.

Design of water plant is located in the East China region, water from a surface of the river, but water quality have eutrophication phenomenon, more than "surface water environmental quality standard" (GB3838-2002) class III water standard water quality. Therefore, compared with general water shall be provided with depth of water purification equipment in order to achieve effluent indexes. Considering the cost and feasibility, the treatment process of the water plant design by adding potassium permanganate enhanced coagulation and biological activated carbon filter is combined.

According to the experimental results of Yang Yongfei et al in the micro pollution source water treatment, the enhanced coagulation ratio of with the dosage of potassium permanganate was 1.0mg/L, and the dosage of the chloride was 20mg/L..

And the water treatment process generally is: water, river water intake structure - a pumping station, automatic dosing device (potassium permanganate) and polyaluminium chloride (PAC) ---- mechanical stirring clarifier - folded plate flocculator, horizontal flow sedimentation tank - quartz sand filter, biological activated carbon filter, chlorine disinfection, clean water tank, secondary pump - water distribution network, user

The design of the hybrid facilities "mechanical mixing", mechanical mixing effect is good, and not affected by the change of water, applicable to all kinds of water plant.

Flocculation equipment selection is folded plate flocculator. Compared with the baffled flocculation tank, flow conditions have been greatly improved, in the total energy of the flow consumption, effective energy consumption ratio increased, so they want flocculation time can be shortened, the volume of the pool can be reduced.

Next, the advection sedimentation tank is selected in this water treatment process. The main advantages of the advection sedimentation basin are: the precipitation area,

good precipitation effect, and the lower cost, and the adaptability of the water flow is strong. The disadvantages are: the area of large, mud, mud difficult. The pool type of the flat flow sedimentation tank is rectangle, which is composed of a water inlet device, a water outlet device, a precipitating area, a buffer layer, a sludge zone and a sludge discharging device. The water flows horizontally in the pool, flowing from one end of the pool and flowing from the other end.The suspended sediment in the water is precipitated by gravity, and a mud hopper is arranged at the bottom of the inlet.

Taking into account of the advantages of V filter: eliminating the filter material surface better, inner mud ball, with strong interception ability, filter cycle long, anti rinse water characteristics. Can save the amount of anti - washing water 40 ~ 60%, reduce the water consumption of waterworks, and reduce the running costs of production; the loss of filter material is not easy, filter layer only micro expansion, improve the service life of filter media, reduce the filter sand, sand exchange costs; the use of coarse grain, homogeneous quartz sand filter material, ensure the filter flushing effect and the full use of filter material sewage capacity, so that the filtered water quality is good.

The use of double row layout, designed by double filter, using quartz sand as filter material.

Using activated carbon filter is strong adsorption capacity of activated carbons (specific surface area at about 1000 m 2 / g), removal of color, smell, taste, and organic pollutants, reduce the by-products of disinfection, water quality. So I used the activated carbon filter as the depth of treatment. While increasing the cost, but its advantages are obvious, 1 active adsorption treatment technology of high degree of carbon. 2, wide application, adaptability. 3, activated carbon renewable and reuse. 4, compact equipment, convenient management.

In the sludge treatment area, simple to say is concentrated (gravity concentration, mechanical thickening), dehydration (mechanical dewatering) dry (dry naturally, all kinds of drying machine) -- final disposal (composting, incineration and landfill).

Key words: Water works; Eutrophication;treatment process;cost budgeting


第一章 总论 4

1.1设计任务及要求 4

1.2基本资料 4

1.2.1设计规模 4

1.2.2城市自然状况 4

1.2.3水文资料 5

1.2.4水质资料 5

1.2.5水温资料 6

1.1.6地质资料 6

1.2.7电力资料 6

第二章 总体设计 6

2.1净水工艺流程的确定 6

2.2处理构筑物及设备型式选择 7

2.2.1药剂溶解池 7

2.2.2强化混凝剂选择 7

2.2.3混合设备 8

2.2.4反应池 9

2.2.5沉淀池 9

2.2.6滤池 9

2.2.7消毒方法 9

第三章 取水工程 9

3.1取水构筑物 10

3.1.1取水构筑物选型 10

3.1.2河床式取水构筑物设计计算 11

3.2取水泵站 13

3.2.1设计流量的确定和设计扬程的估算: 13

3.2.2初选泵和电机 14

3.2.3机组基础尺寸的确定 16

3.2.4吸水管路与压水管路计算 17

3.2.5机组与管道布置 17

3.2.6吸水管路和压水管路中水头损失的计算 17


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