2020-03-10 17:14:16
毕 业 设 计(论 文)开 题 报 告
1.结合毕业设计(论文)课题情况,根据所查阅的文献资料,每人撰写 2000字左右的文献综述: |
文 献 综 述 1、通信楼建筑设计课题概况 随着通信技术的不断发展,近年来通信设备、传输方式、网络组成、业务范围都发生了很大的变化,在旧电信楼的改造和新建电信楼的建设中都相继带来了新的工艺要求,报告以中外对比来阐述通信楼建筑设计在新时期所要面临的挑战及新的技术影响。 1.1项目概况 (一)项目名称:景德镇移动第二通信楼。 (二)项目地点:景德镇移动第二通信楼建设用地位于景德镇市陶瓷工业园区,距离景、婺、杭高速入口500米,浮梁县城1000米,景德镇市区8公里。该地块北临园区唐英大道,东面为农庄,南临开阔的稻田,西接袁原陶瓷等陶瓷生产厂房,沿唐英大道往西是206国道,距离约3公里,交通十分便利。该地块水、电、通信管线可随时接入,具备开发建设条件。 (三)建设用地面积:75亩 (四)用地规划条件: 1、容积率:≤1 2、建筑密度:≤30% 3、绿地率:≥35% 4、建筑高度要求:小于24米。 5、退离红线要求:退离道路红线不小于10米。 6、其他要求:该地东南角1.5亩用地(处于机场净空保护区进近面内)不得修建建筑物。 (五)建筑规模:总建筑面积55500平方米,分两期建设,一期为综合办公楼(含附属楼及地下室)和纯机楼,建筑面积为33500平方米、二期为陶瓷集采及仓储中心,建筑面积为22000平方米。地上、地下建筑面积按上述规划要求合理分配,泊车位规划要满足公司长期发展所需。 1.2.设计要求 本项目要突显中国移动企业形象,体现一个人文、生态、节能、环保、舒适、实用、经济的低密度、低楼层、绿色簇拥建筑体,充分展现移动特色,与当地的陶瓷文化相融合。设计要贯穿#8220;可持续发展#8221;思想、注重新技术应用,把区域内的环境保护、自然资源的合理利用与现代化建设有机结合,力求塑造一个整体协调、环境优美、个性鲜明、令人愉悦的现代、简洁风格的生产、办公环境。 2. 国内通信楼建筑设计概述 2.1通信设备的变化对机房面积的影响 1.对市话交换机房的影响 随着交换程控化、传输数字化,市话机房平均面积减少。原有的市话机房都是按步进制、纵横制交换设备作的工艺设计,其机房平均面积较大,但设计的终期容量较小;现在程控交换机容量已经接近或超过建楼时的终期容量,但由于设备占地面积小,原有的市话交换机房在一定时间内还能够适应发展的要求。传输电缆、设备的变化,尤其是光缆、SDH 设备的采用比川前的载波传输设备大大减少了占地面积,但随着网络的拓宽,像县一市、县一县、县一农话等电路的增加,还应考虑足够的扩展余地。 2.对测量室的影响 近几年,在测量室选用了新型的配线架,较以前更趋于合理,但市话交换机的发展容量将会是机房设计时终期容量的几倍。以山西的一些县局为例,80年代设计时终期容量仅为2 00 ~10 00 万门,当时在全国来讲万门局就作为大局考虑,抗震设防提高一度,仅几年发展的市话装机容量已经接近或超过了原设计的终期容量,因此旧的测量室需要改造,设计新测量室时应考虑得更加长远,同时要考虑好长途、中继电缆经进线室到传输机房的通道。 3.对电力、电池室的影响 就通信设备本身而言越来越省电,而机房环境要求的提高又需要消耗更多的电力(主要是空调机),总地来说,随着交换容量的发展,总的耗电量也在增加。新的电源设备(开关电源等)、新型电池(免维护高效电池)的产生,使得电力、电池设备的占地面积减少,而且可以直接安装到用电设备机房。但是从使用安全、便于集中管理、监控、实行无人维护、设备互援、提高效率等方面看,还是应该集中电力、电池设备。另外,对机房的扩展要留有余地。电池室即使采用了免维护电池,也还有废气产生,考虑到电池的意外事故,必须进行防酸处理;在结构设计、维护结构、地面、墙面、顶棚、门窗、管道等方面采取防酸措施,同时考虑适当的换气方式;电池室与相邻机房的连接孔洞要用软胶皮或其它方式堵住,以防酸气扩散。 2.2电信新工艺和对建筑设计的要求
从图1 中看出,比照1990年电信工程设计手册的机房工艺要求,原先的长途话务室、长途交换机房不再需要,载波机房由传输机房取代;新增加了无线寻呼机房、移动通信机房、DDN 机房、分组交换机房、会议电视室等。除上述外,还有一些其它业务的发展(如20 业务、168 业务等)要求建筑设计能够适应现代通信的要求,满足新业务的发展需要,满足未来通信网的需要。未来的网络构成如图2所示,由于综合业务数字网(ISDN)具有端到端的数字连接、支持各种综合业务、标准的入网接口等特性,有着无可比拟的优越性,是一个理想的网络;但是现有的通信网已经具有一定规模,不能一下子抛掉,所以采用逐步过渡的方式,新建ISDN 与原有各网络并存,它们之间通过接口连通如图2(a) 所示。 随着ISDN 技术的发展,出现宽带ISDN 与窄带ISDN 的综合网,最终形成如图2(b )所示的宽带ISDN(B一ISDN)。图2 中的用户包含数字电话、传真机、用户电报、数据终端、多功能ISDN 终端、个人计算机等多种业务用户;传输主要为光缆,也许还有数字微波等;移动交换机、无线寻呼机等通过数字传输与ISDN 交换机连接。此外,还可以开发其它的新型业务。新的电信建筑设计要有较大的进线室、测量室、传输室,要有灵活的交换中心。现有的市话交换、DDN、报机室等最终由ISDN 交换机代替,因此机房的设计要灵活可变,工艺走线要四通八达,要确定合理的集中走线方式,建筑结构设计要满足大空间的要求,并要能够改造,宜选择框架结构。 2.3、未来通信建筑的设计 到下个世纪,邮电通信楼将是一个智能化的综合楼,它既能提供现有的传统业务,也能提供、开发新业务;内部按系统化管理,各机房之间、各附属房屋之间的联系采用监控式;大楼的安全、舒适将放到重要的位置,对外营业要达到较高的服务水平;整个大楼采用集中式空气调节系统、自动控制消防系统、自动监控保安系统、计算机联网系统、内部电话系统等。因此新的通信楼的设计要考虑未来工艺要求,平面布置合理、灵活,联系方便,适合改造;各种信号线要合理敷设,结构要安全合理;并具有一定的超前意识。 3. 国外通信楼建筑设计概述 2.1国外建筑发展现状概述 The key question arising in the current Communication building,is how our currently ubiquitous and pervasive information and communication technologies (ICT) has throughout the years managed architectural design information and how has that affected architectural design, in which building geometry has mainly been studied. The evolution of computer-aided design (CAD) is used as the "backbone" for the assumptions made. The focus area of this paper is CAD and more widely digital ICT within the architecture, engineering and construction field (AEC), its development and available computer-aided design tools throughout the last 30 - 40 years. Architectural design is discussed in this paper from the viewpoint of complex design and construction projects and therefore the more complex information structures used in contemporary design and construction. Complexity has also resulted in a more complex, curved and "free" architectural building geometry, which has been enabled by modern CAD-tools. The main conclusion is, that information and communication technology has indeed enabled us to manage more complex building projects better and more comprehensively than earlier, and also more complex architectural expression can therefore be used in contemporary construction. Building product modelling (building information modelling, BIM) has been proposed to be a suitable method to manage all design and construction issues within current IT-oriented building projects and process environments. Product modelling is seen as a natural step in the evolution of ICT. Building product modelling is regarded in this paper to be a promising method to increase our ability to manage some more vague building and design criteria, such as design richness or even overall buildin g quality. This paper is related to the authors' post-graduate studies on architectural design, environment changes and building product modelling in Helsinki University of Technology.
2.1国外建筑实例概述 Telecom Central is a 14 storey 35,000msup2; (including car parking) commercial office building built on a 3660msup2; site in central Wellington and designed to a 5 NZGBC Green star rating for design. The building was completed in December 2011, and features two office towers, one on Willis and one on Boulcott streets, joined with a north-south orientated atrium. The Willis building comprises the reinforced structural frame of an existing 1980#8217;s office building (the Airways Building) which has been added to and extended, and also incorporates the majority of the heritage listed Tisdalls Building including the faccedil;ade and historic internal stairway. The building accommodates parking for 75 cars in a basement car park and a range of retail tenancies accessible directly off Willis and Boulcott streets. An internal pedestrian link through the building connects both city thoroughfares. The building incorporates a number of architectural design innovations including the use of colored anodized aluminium screens which provide both sun screening to the north and a strong visual element to the north and south faccedil;ades generally. Depending on the location of the observer the screen can appear as a solid gold colored element when viewed at an oblique angle and almost transparent when viewed from straight ahead. This adds a very dynamic quality to these boundary faccedil;ades. The glazed street faccedil;ades to the east and west comprise a unitized curtain wall glazing system spanning floor to floor. This is either vertical or sloping inwards or outwards by 400mm per floor, set as a series of vertical glass ribbons. The glazing, although providing significant visual and thermal performance, is highly transparent, offering a clear view of activities within the building when viewed by passersby. The other major architectural innovation is the central atrium, which is open to office floors with either a glazed balustrade or full height glass (in the case of non Telecom tenants). This space is up to 10 stories high, offering significant visual drama whilst still being narrow enough to maintain a high degree of visual connection between floors, allowing natural light to filter into the office floors and providing dramatic views to the south and north. The perception of space and height in the open plan office areas has been greatly enhanced by eliminating the need for suspended ceilings, exposing the carefully considered and set out integrated chilled beam HVAC system. The building accommodates nearly all of Telecom#8217;s 1800 Wellington staff in 80% of the available office space. The large floor plates of approximately 2500 #8211; 2800msup2; at levels 7 to 11 provide the opportunity for Telecom to realise significant accommodation efficiency gains. In addition the building also offers the opportunity for smaller organizations to be accommodated on commercial office floors of approximately 1150msup2; and a variety of street level retail tenancies.
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毕 业 设 计(论 文)开 题 报 告