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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 设计学类 > 视觉传达设计 > 正文


 2021-03-13 22:59:00  

摘 要






Under the background of the era of Internet , changing of interactive advertising and interactive advertising expression are also increasingly diverse, the advantage of its spreading effect gradually, video advertising spread gradually from a lower to a higher dimension change of the pattern, which emphasizes the audience's participation with their own feelings, innovation from advertising, interactive means, effectively solve the core problem between consumers and the traditional video ads.

Exploratory interactive video, as the name implies, is to offer the viewer in the interactive video tips and even less is not prompt, letting the viewer, in front of the viewers to practice the operation, interactive video usually looping scene, until viewers find interaction points, then really began to interactive process. Exploratory interactive video compared with other forms of interactive video the biggest characteristic is that due to the tip point is less, so that viewers are watching video will feel the fun of exploration, decryption, make the interaction more deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. The contrast between the interactive video and the traditional AD is even more pronounced.

Visual communication designers do is one of the traditional advertising, the traditional mode of advertising is single, so the designer should be toward the direction of interaction design, the combination of interaction and advertising is the transformation direction of the advertising industry, with the advent of digital age, designers should understand more multimedia applications, interface design, interaction design.

Key Words: interactive advertising; graphic advertising; graphic designer; interactive design

目 录

第1章 诸论 1

1.1 设计背景 1

1.2 设计意义 1

1.3设计的目的与方法 2

1.4设计的创新点 2

第2章 探索式交互视频广告分析 3

2.1传统广告与交互广告 3

2.2交互广告的体验 5

2.3探索式交互视频广告体验 5

2.4基于H5技术下的交互设计 6

第3章 设计方案制定 9

3.1 设计前期 9

3.2 设计草稿的制定 9

第4章 成品展示 12

4.1 插画成稿 12

4.2界面展示 14

第6章 总结与展望 17

参考文献 18

附录 19

致谢 22

第一章 诸论

1.1 设计背景



交互广告是一门新兴的广告行业,它不同于以往的传统广告形式,交互广告设计的专业广泛,它涉及到包括计算机科学 ,社会心理学,人类工程学科等多门学科。交互广告为了能吸引大众兴趣,引起消费者购买欲望,增加了交互设计专业,看广告也会有一种多感官的体验。现在不论是工业设计,还是计算机设计,甚至是商业服务行业,都离不来一种体验,有了体验,增加了娱乐感,让人们主动接受广告。目前在中国大陆,各种形式的广告纷纷出现,五花八门,不论是在公交车站的车停广告,还是在电视上的视频广告,可以说广告无处不在。


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