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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 电子信息类 > 光电信息科学与工程 > 正文


 2021-03-13 22:58:51  

摘 要

分子检测光学技术的不断提高在促进生命科学、化学和材料等领域的科学研究,提高医疗和健康,加强环境、食品检测,防范有害物质和爆炸物等方面发挥着广泛而重要的作用。在众多的生物传感器中,基于表面等离子体共振(Surface Plasma Resonance,SPR )效应的光纤生物传感器由于其高灵敏度、无标记和实时在线监测的特性而显得十分具有竞争力。SPR效应是指金属表面受光波作用后激发的表面等离子体激元与光波全反射途中出现的倏逝波发生共振,导致特定波长的光信号发生强度下降的现象,其在生物上的体现则在于能够通过生物分子的特异性结合的功能影响金属表面的等离子激元,进而影响特定波长的位置,以达到微量检测的目的。本文的特色在于使用基于多模-单模-多模(M-S-M)的异质结构光纤,采用磁控溅射镀膜的方法在异质光纤传感区域制备了SPR生物传感基底,最后通过共价键结合的方法使生物敏感薄膜结合到纳米金薄膜上,实现了对特定生物分子的无污染、无标记、实时快速检测。论文结果表明了对于镀金未修饰特异性生物蛋白的传感器,当外界折射率从1.3332变化到1.3846时,其灵敏度从1624.2nm/RIU变化到4072.2nm/RIU。对于在金膜表面修饰了特异性生物蛋白的传感器,其浓度每提升十倍,在表面特异性结合位点未占满的情况下波长红移约5nm,其最低检测极限可达100 pg/ml。



The continuous improvement of molecule measurement from optical technology makes great effect in a variety of fields such as bio-research, environment detection and explosion prevention. Indeed, biosensor plays an important role in molecule measurement. The optical fiber biosensor based on SPR(surface plasmon resonance) shows the competitiveness compared with other types of biosensors because of its high sensitivity, real-time measurement and label-free detection of specific molecule. SPR phenomenon means the SPPs (surface plasmon ploarizations), emitted on the surface of metal film by incident light, which will couple with the evanescent wave occuring during the total reflection and leading to intensity decrease in specific wavelength. Moreover, when particular combination between specific molocules emerges on such metal film, the SPPs will be affected, then the position of resonance wavelength will be changed and the goal of testing in ultralow concentration will be accomplished. In this paper, the innovation is that we constructed the multimode-singlemode-multimode(M-S-M) structure optical fiber, which was coated with gold films on its surface by magnetron sputtering and then fabricated with a layer of molecule on the metal films through covalent bonds. The SPR biosensor can detect the particular molecule without pollution and label-free in real-time. The result shows that the sensitivity of optical fiber sensor which is not modified with biomolecules is about 1624.2nm/RIU to 4072.2nm/RIU with the refractive index increasing from 1.3332 to 1.3846. As for the biosensor fabricated with specific biomolecule, the wavelength red shift about 5nm as the concentration of antigen multiply by 10 times. The limit of decction is about 100pg/ml.

Key Words:Optical fiber;surface plasma resonance (SPR);biosensor


第1章 绪论 1

1.1生物传感器简介 1

1.1.1 光纤生物传感器的种类 1

1.1.2 光纤生物传感器的应用 2

1.1.3 生物传感器的特异性分子固定方法 2

1.2 表面等离子体共振生物传感器简介 3

1.2.1 SPR传感器的分类 3

1.2.2 SPR光纤传感器的优势 4

1.2.3 SPR光纤生物传感器的特点 4

1.3 论文选题的意义及主要研究内容 5

第2章 SPR技术的具体原理及在光纤上的应用 7

2.1 SPR原理 7

2.2 M-S-M结构光纤耦合理论 9

2.3 SPR光纤生物传感器的工作原理 11

第3章 M-S-M光纤SPR生物传感器的制备 12

3.1 材料与仪器 12

3.2 M-S-M光纤结构生物传感探头的制备 12

3.2.1 M-S-M光纤结构的制备 12

3.2.2M-S-M光纤结构生物传感基底构建方法 13

3.2.3 M-S-M光纤传感器的特异性处理 14

3.3 M-S-M结构生物传感器的系统的搭建 14

第4章 光纤SPR生物传感器的性能研究 17

4.1 镀金M-S-M结构SPR光纤传感器的性能测试 17

4.1.1 重复性测试 17

4.1.2 回复性测试 19

4.2 进行生物敏感膜修饰后的M-S-M结构光纤传感器的性能测试 20

第5章 总结与展望 22

5.1 总结 22

5.2 展望 22

参考文献 23

致谢 25

第1章 绪论





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