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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 电子信息类 > 通信工程 > 正文


 2021-03-13 22:59:05  

摘 要






With the continuous development of science and technology, machinery and equipment are more and more complex and intelligent, machinery operation to replace artificial, and plays a very important role in the industrial production. The safety and stability of mechanical devices have always been a major concern. Failure in the process of running a device not only damages the effectiveness of the enterprise, but also threatens the safety of people. Mechanical equipment in the running process will inevitably produce different degrees of damage, time-frequency analysis used in the machinery vibration signal can discover mechanical failure in time to avoid safety accident.

The research of signal’s time-frequency analysis method focuses on reducing its overlapping interference and time-frequency clustering problems ,the application of signal sparse decomposition can be expressed in a small amount of value larger non-zero coefficient signal ,reflects the essential characteristics of signal ,so the time-frequency analysis method based on sparse representation can solve the above problems.

This paper studies the traditional time-frequency analysis methods such as short-time Fourier transform and Wigner-Wille distribution, and their defects in time-frequency analysis. Based on the study of the principle of sparse decomposition and learning dictionary, the time-frequency analysis method based on sparse representation and dictionary learning is proposed. time-frequency analysis used in the simulation signal , and compares the result with other time-frequency analysis result, it can be seen that based on sparse representation and dictionary learning time-frequency analysis method has good time-frequency clustering and no cross-term interference. Finally, it is used to analyze the mechanical vibration signal, and the experimental results show that the method can be used to distinguish mechanical fault signal.

Key Words:time-frequency analysis method;sparse representation;dictionary learning;fault detection;machinery vibration signal

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1课题的研究背景和意义 1

1.2国内外发展现状 1

1.3论文内容与结构 2

第2章 常用的时频分析方法 3

2.1 短时傅里叶变换(STFT) 3

2.2 Wigner-Ville分布 3

2.3小波变换 4

第3章 稀疏表示相关理论 6

3.1 引言 6

3.2稀疏分解算法 6

3.2.1 贪婪算法 6

3.2.2 松弛算法 7

3.3字典的构造 8

3.3.1 分析型字典 8

3.3.2 学习型字典 9

第4章 基于字典学习的信号时频分析方法 10

4.1 信号的稀疏分解 10

4.1.1 数学基础 10

4.1.2 基于OMP的信号稀疏分解 11

4.2 学习字典的构造 13

4.2.1 字典算法的选择 14

4.2.2 基于K-SVD算法的字典设计 15

4.3 基于学习字典的信号时频分析方法构造 16

4.3.1 时频分辨率 16

4.3.2 稀疏表征与时频分布 17

第5章 仿真实验与结果分析 18

5.1 基于字典学习的信号时频分析与传统时频分析结果对比 18

5.1.1仿真环境 18

5.1.2 基于字典学习的信号时频分析与传统时频分析方法仿真对比 18

5.2 正常与故障信号时频分析结果 20

5.3 本章小结 24

第6章 总结与展望 25

6.1 研究内容总结 25

6.2 研究展望 25

参考文献 26

致谢 27

第1章 绪论




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