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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 社会学类 > 社会工作 > 正文


 2020-04-18 19:40:40  

摘 要


关键词:城市社区 网格化管理 实践

Practice analysis of urban community grid management -- A case study of Wuxi A community


The third plenary session of the 18th CPC central committee clearly proposed that we should encourage government-led social participation and achieve a higher degree of residents' autonomy through social governance system innovation. As a way of social governance, community grid management has achieved some social governance results, but there are also many problems to be solved. Based on grid management practice as the research object, through to the Wuxi field interviews and questionnaire survey of A community found in grid management practice, exists in poor professional services team, the residents' cognition is not enough, the grid management grid management performance evaluation mechanism is not sound, and administrative services, the more the people's livelihood service such outstanding problems as less. In the author's opinion, these problems are directly related to the government's inadequate guarantee of funds for grid management and the existing community management system innovation and institutional guarantee. Therefore, the author believes that the current grid management system can be further improved from the aspects of paying attention to the construction of grid members, the establishment of long-term development mechanism of grid management, the cultivation of residents' sense of participation and the improvement of residents' self-governance ability, so as to better meet the needs of community residents and achieve a higher level of social governance.

Key Words: urban community; grid management ;practice

目 录

中文摘要 I

英文摘要 II

一、导论 1

(一)研究背景及意义 1

1、研究背景 1

2、研究意义 1

(二)相关研究回顾 1

1、基本概念 1

2、现有研究成果 2

(三)研究方法 3

二、无锡市A社区网格化管理实践现状 5

(一)无锡市A社区网格化管理建设背景 5

(二)无锡市A社区网格化管理的实践措施 5

1、划分网格单元,整合社区资源 5

2、搭建信息平台,提升服务效能 5

3、动员居民参与,强调居民自治 6

4、主动上门走访,实时了解情况 6

(三)无锡市A社区网格化管理的运行成效 6

1、方便居民办事,提升居民满意度 6

2、顺畅信息渠道,提升社区管理效能 6

3、提升居民自治能力,培养他们社区主人翁意识 7

三、无锡市A社区网格化管理实践问题及原因 8

(一)社区网格化管理实践中存在的问题 8

1、服务队伍专业性欠佳 8

2、居民对网格化管理认知不够 8

3、绩效考评机制不健全 8

4、行政性服务过多,民生导向服务少 9

5、组织间信息共享意识差 9

(二)管理实践中问题成因分析 9

1、资金保障不足 9

2、社区居民缺乏社区认同感与归属感 9

3、社区管理行政色彩浓,服务意识淡漠 10

4、缺乏明确制度保障 10

四、完善城市社区网格化管理的对策建议 11

1、重视网格员队伍建设,建立长期发展机制 11

2、培养居民参与意识,提高自治的能力 11

3、完善网格化管理运行机制 11

4、升级网格化管理信息系统,提高管理效率 12

总结 13

参考文献 14

致谢 17









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