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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 社会学类 > 社会工作 > 正文


 2020-04-13 11:08:15  

摘 要



关键词:青年志愿服务组织 ; 社区治理 ; 参与机制 ; 网络治理


Currently, multiple subject governance has become a trend, economic system, the information network, the policy goal and the function of social organization is driving the youth volunteer service organizations to participate in community governance, but there are still many problems in the process of participation. By applying the method of literature, comparative analysis and case study method, and taking some youth voluntary service organizations in Shibanxi community of Yichang as an example, this paper puts forward some measures based on network governance theory, which are expected to strengthen the participation of youth voluntary service organizations in community governance.

This paper mainly explains the concepts of youth voluntary service organization, community governance, network governance and participation mechanism, and briefly analyzes the current situation of the internal operation of the youth volunteer service organization, the content and methods of participating in community governance, the recognition degree of community residents' participation and the cooperation degree with other governance bodies. Then it summarizes the internal mechanism problems: single source of funds; lack of service feedback and incentive mechanism; the service supply and demand are unbalanced; lack of professionalism ,and external mechanism of volunteers: imperfect system; low participation of residents and enterprises; lack of communication and feedback between community governance bodies; it is difficult to integrate and allocate community public resources. At the end of the article, the corresponding countermeasures are proposed. First of all, the government should strengthen the construction of the legal system and change its role to maintain the main role of youth voluntary service organizations. Secondly, the youth volunteer service organization should improve the internal operation mechanism, expand the financing channels, set goals for the needs of residents and integrate the community resources. Then, enterprises should provide financial and technical support. Finally, it is necessary to build a sense of community citizenship and improve the voluntary participation of residents.

Key words: youth volunteer service organization;community governance; participation mechanism;network governance

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1研究背景及意义 1

1.1.1研究背景 1

1.1.2意义 1

1.2研究综述 1

1.3研究内容及方法 2

1.3.1研究思路 2

1.3.2研究方法 2

第2章 概念解释与理论分析 3

2.1青年志愿服务组织 3

2.1.1相关概念 3

2.1.2类型 3

2.1.3特点 4

2.2社区治理 4

2.3参与机制 5

2.4网络治理理论 5

2.4.1理论解释 5

2.4.2社区网络治理涉及的主要层面 6

第3章 青年志愿服务组织参与社区治理的现状 7

3.1青年志愿服务组织参与社区治理的内部运作状况 7

3.1.1组织资金来源 7

3.1.2志愿者招募及培训状况 7

3.1.3志愿者参与的持续性 8

3.2青年志愿服务组织参与社区治理的内容及方式 8

3.2.1服务内容 8

3.2.2参与方式 8

3.3参与环境——社区内居民认同参与状况 9

3.3.1居民对青年志愿服务活动的认可度 9

3.3.2居民对青年志愿服务活动的参与度 9

3.4参与中与社区内其他治理主体合作程度 9

3.4.1企业主体的参与状况 9

3.4.2与其他志愿组织的合作度 10

3.4.3与其他社区组织的关系 10

第4章 青年志愿服务组织参与社区治理机制的问题分析 11

4.1内部机制问题(青年志愿服务组织维度) 11

4.1.1资金来源单一,活动经费不足 11

4.1.2缺乏服务反馈与激励机制,活动持续性不强 11

4.1.3服务供需不匹配 11

4.1.4志愿者专业性不足 12

4.2外部机制问题(社区其他参与主体维度) 12

4.2.1制度建设滞后 12

4.2.2居民及企业主体参与度较低 12

4.2.3多元主体间缺乏沟通与反馈 13

4.2.4整合与配置公共资源的能力不足 13

第5章 健全参与机制的对策分析——以网络治理理论为视角 14

5.1政府维度 14

5.1.1加强法制建设 14

5.1.2转变角色,维护青年志愿服务组织主体地位 15

5.2青年志愿服务组织维度 15

5.2.1健全内部运作机制 15

5.2.2扩宽筹资渠道,增强独立性 16

5.2.3针对居民需求,明确活动目标 16

5.2.4整合社区资源 17

5.3企业维度 17

5.4社区居民维度 17

5.4.1营造社区“公民社会”意识 17

5.4.2提高居民志愿参与度 18

参考文献 19

附 录 20

致 谢 23

第1章 绪论







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