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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 社会学类 > 社会工作 > 正文


 2022-01-29 20:05:33  


摘 要


关键词:贫困 贫困陷阱 社会救助 福利依赖

The inspiration of the theory of "poverty trap" to social assistance work


From the beginning of human society,poverty,as a major social problem, threatens the sustainable survival and development of human beings.The minimum living security system which is widely applied in solving the problem of poverty has not adapted to the pace of economic and social development.So it fell into the poverty trap.Therefore,this paper will carry out specific and detailed exploration and research about the poverty trap theory that causes the developing countries to be out of poverty for a long time.At the same time,research the impact of this theory on the current social assistance work and the inspiration to the future social assistance work.This paper will consult and collect information about the theory of "poverty trap" and social assistance through the method of literature research. And through the analysis and research of relevant data,it is pointed out some problems that in the current social assistance work, the lagging concept of social assistance,the unitary way of social assistance and the issue of "welfare dependence" behind in the perspective of "poverty trap" theory.According to problems and shortcomings in the current social assistance work in China,from the aspects of social assistance concept, system and content, it puts forward specific measures to solve these problems and deficiencies.So that we can avoid the "poverty trap" in the social assistance work , better improve our social assistance work in China,relief the problem of poverty in China and maintain social harmony and stability.

Key Words: Poor; Poverty trap; Social assistance; Welfare depend

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

一、导论 1

(一)研究背景与意义 1

(二)相关研究回顾 1

1.研究概况 1

2.相关概念界定 2

(三)本课题研究思路与研究方法 3

二、“贫困陷阱”相关理论研究综述 4

(一)“贫困陷阱”的概念内涵 4

1.关注贫困的多维特点 4

2.关注风险对贫困陷阱的影响 4

3.关注排他机制对贫困陷阱的影响 5

(二)“贫困陷阱”的生成机制 5

1.临界点效应导致的贫困 5

2.制度性贫困陷阱 6

3.邻里效应导致的贫困 7

三、“贫困陷阱”理论视角下我国社会救助工作存在的问题与原因分析 9

(一)相对滞后的社会救助理念 9

(二)单一的社会救助内容 9

(三)现行社会救助方式容易导致“福利依赖” 10

1.不同救助项目之间不明确的衔接机制导致“附带福利”产生 10

2.救助对象自身心理失衡而导致就业惰性 11

四、“贫困陷阱”理论对于社会救助工作的启示 12

(一)尽快确立发展型社会救助理念 12

(二)整合并合理利用各类社会救助资源以达到救助效用最大化 12

(三)努力激发救助对象摆脱“福利依赖”的积极性 14

1.改进帮扶机制实现救助工作的双向对接 14

2.促进社会救助对象的自身能力建设 14

3.完善社会救助监督执行与管理体制 15

总结 17

参考文献 18

致谢 21


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