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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 社会学类 > 社会工作 > 正文


 2022-01-29 19:04:10  


摘 要

社会工作属于应用社会科学,对从业人员有着较高的标准要求,特别是对其专业行为表现。学生选择社会工作为职业往往出于乐于帮助他人的意愿,立志于助力社会改变并为社会正义做贡献。对社会工作专业出身的学生而言,要一步步学习理论知识,并把所学的技能和知识转化为实际的行动回馈社会和专业本身。实务情景对学生了解专业知识和决定是否投入社会工作的专业生涯有相当大的影响。因此,社会工作实习教育在大学社会工作专业教育中是尤为重要的一部分,学生在实践中面对不断变化的问题时, 要去理解、反思并形成自己的范式。本文通过文献研究法收集分析前人对社会工作实习教育模式现状及对策的研究,又运用访谈法对江苏省南京市部分高校社会工作专业的师生及社工机构的工作人员展开调查、分析,探究目前高校内社会工作实习教育的开展现状和问题,并提出对策。结合社会工作实习教育的实际情况和存在的问题,我建议:一,完善院校社会工作实习制度;二,加强对社会工作实习机构的筛选与合作。三,形成“学生为本,加强能力建设”的实习取向。

关键词:社会工作 实习现状 问题 对策

Research on Social Work Practice Education Model


Social work belongs to the applied social sciences and has higher standards for practitioners, especially for their professional behavior. Students who choose social work as a career tend to be willing to help others, and they are determined to contribute to social change and contribute to social justice. For students of social work professional origin, they should learn theoretical knowledge step by step, and translate the learned skills and knowledge into actual actions to give back to society and the profession itself. Practice scenarios have a considerable influence on students' professional knowledge and their professional careers in deciding whether to invest in social work. Therefore, social work practice education is a particularly important part of university social work professional education. When students are faced with changing problems in practice, they must understand, reflect, and form their own paradigms. This article collects and analyzes predecessors' research on the status quo and countermeasures of social work practice education model through literature research methods, and uses interviews to investigate and analyze the staff of social work majors and social workers of some colleges and universities in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province. The current status and problems of social work practice education in colleges and universities, and put forward countermeasures. In light of the actual situation and existing problems in social work practice education, I recommend that: First, improve the system of social work internships at institutions of higher learning; Second, strengthen the selection and cooperation of social work placement institutions. Third, form a "student-oriented, strengthen capacity building" practice orientation.

Key Words : Social work; Practice status; Problems; Countermeasures

目 录

摘要 I

英文摘要 II

一、 绪论 1

(一)研究背景及意义 1

1、研究背景 1

2、研究意义 1

(二)相关研究 2

1、相关概念解释及界定 2

2、理论依据 2

3、研究方法 3

二、社会工作实习教育现状 5

(一)院校对于社会工作专业实习的设置与标准 5

1、实习时间和内容要求 5

2、实习形式 6

3.院校督导 7

(二)社会工作专业实习机构 8

1、实习机构的性质 8

2、实习机构提供的督导内容 9

(三)社会工作专业学生对实习的主观意向 9

1、态度 9

2、满意度 10

三、社会工作实习教育现状表现出的问题 11

(一)社会工作实习教育制度建设和评估体系不完善 11

(二)社会工作实习机构专业性较弱 11

(三)社会工作实习主体对于专业认同度低 11

(四)社会工作实习缺乏专业督导 12

四、社会工作实习教育模式弊端的应对措施 14

(一)完善院校社会工作实习制度 14

(二)加强对社会工作实习机构的筛选与合作 14

(三)形成“学生为本,加强能力建设”的实习取向 15

结语 16

参考文献 17

致 谢 21


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