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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 社会学类 > 社会工作 > 正文


 2022-01-13 21:00:20  


摘 要


关键词:低龄老年人 再就业活动 社会困境 社会引导

The social dilemma of reemployment of the younger elderly and its Countermeasures


At present, the aging of population in China is not very optimistic, so it is a heavy task to deal with it. To realize the society with positive aging of population, eliminate or reduce the negative impacts of the aging of population and promote re-employment of the elderly, it is significant to develop the old human resources. However, through study and analysis of the current re-employment of Chinese senior citizens, this paper discovers there are such problems existing in it as imperfect policy, a lack of information and social support, etc. By referring to the relevant materials, the writer discovers that a lack of supporting legal policies on guaranteeing the senior citizens’ re-employment, constraints of senior citizens’ own conditions and social ideas and other factors are the main causes of the difficulties in senior citizens’ re-employment. Therefore, he puts forward the corresponding solutions, for example, perfecting the laws and regulations relevant with employment security, enriching the forms of employment, actively establishing the platform and strengthening social guidance so as to effectively solve the social dilemma of senior citizens’ re-employment.

Key words: Young elderly; Re-employment activities; Social Dilemma; Social guidance

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

一、绪论 1

(一)研究背景与意义 1

1.研究背景 1

2.研究意义 1

(二)文献综述 2

1.概念界定 2

2.研究现状 2

二、促进低龄老年人再就业的理论基础 5

(一)需要层次理论 5

(二)社会认知理论 5

(三)社会支持理论 6

三、低龄老年人再就业的现状及其社会困境 7

(一)低龄老年人再就业的现状 7

1.再就业率下降 7

2.再就业质量低 7

(二)低龄老年人再就业所面临的社会困境 8

1.权益保障的困境 9

2.信息渠道的困境 9

3.社会支持的困境 10

四、低龄老年人再就业社会困境的影响分析 11

(一)法律政策的缺乏 11

(二)老年人自身条件 11

1.身体状况 11

2.经济收入 12

(三)社会观念的阻碍 12

1.传统思想的约束 12

2.社会大众的偏见 12

五、低龄老年人再就业社会困境的对策建议 14

(一)完善就业保障,健全法律法规 14

(二)丰富就业形式,强化职业培训 14

(三)积极搭建平台,加强社会引导 15

六、总结 17

参考文献 18

致谢 21

一、 绪论








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