2021-10-26 21:51:59
摘 要
关键词:流动父母工人; 亲职教育; 对策研究
This study focuses on the problems, current situation and strategies exposed by migrant parents workers in a factory area of S city in the process of parental education development. Based on the previous review of the existing literature, and through the form of a questionnaire survey on the current situation and development needs of migrant parents workers in a factory area of S city, to understand and clarify the current situation and development needs of migrant parents workers, to explore the main difficulties and problems existing in parental education, and to give corresponding treatment suggestions.
Through research, it is found that there are the following problems in the current parental education of migrant parent workers in a factory area in S City: first, the awareness of parental education of migrant parent workers is weak; second, the deviation of the concept of parental education of migrant parent workers; Lack of scientific parenting education guidance.
This paper gives some suggestions and strategies on how to deal with the support system of parental education from migrant workers themselves. For migrant parents workers, it includes: first, strengthening the subject consciousness and action consciousness of parents' education; second, constantly supplementing and perfecting the parents' own knowledge system to promote the growth of self-education concept.
The research then gives some suggestions and strategies from the social work institutions, the government and all sectors of the society. The recommendations of the social work institutions include: first, the promotion of the concepts and operational forms of parent education through the form of case, group and community service; and second, the use of the advantages of social work resource links to attract public welfare organizations, non-profit organizations and other types of units to join in promoting the positive development of parent education.
The suggestions and strategies in other parental support systems are as follows: first, to make full use of all resources to build and develop parental education support system; second, to use mass media as a medium to develop online parental education and other courses in the context of the Internet; and third, to make up for the shortcomings of the current situation of parental education for migrant parents workers in China by referring to the advantages and results of the overseas parental education system.
Key Words:migrant parent workers; parent education; Countermeasure Research
目 录
第1章 绪论 1
1.1选题背景与研究意义 1
1.1.1 选题背景 1
1.1.2 研究目的 2
1.1.3 研究意义 2
1.2文献综述 3
1.2.1 国外研究现状 3
1.2.2 国内研究现状 6
1.2.3以往研究评述 8
第2章 研究方法 10
2.1 研究设计 10
2.1.1问卷设计 10
2.1.2研究对象的选取 10
2.2 研究实施 11
第3章 研究分析与讨论 12
3.1 研究分析 12
3.1.1 流动父母工人的基本概况 12
3.1.2 流动父母工人亲职教育的基本现状 13
3.1.3 流动父母工人性别对其亲职教育的影响分析 17
3.2 结果讨论 19
3.2.1 亲职教育意识淡薄 19
3.2.2 亲职教育理念偏差 19
3.2.3 家庭教育方法不当 20
第4章 研究结果与建议 21
4.1 研究结果 21
4.1.1流动父母工人亲职教育内容需求的整体状况 21
4.1.2 流动父母工人亲职教育内容需求的各维度分析 21
4.2 研究建议 21
4.2.1 增强流动父母工人亲职教育的主体意识及行动意识 21
4.2.2 不断补充完善自身知识体系,促进自我成长 22
4.2.3 充分利用各方资源,建立和完善亲职教育支持体系 22
4.2.4 借鉴国外亲职教育优秀成果 23
4.2.5 以大众传媒为媒介,创设环境推进互联网下的亲职教育 23
第5章 不足与展望 25
5.1 研究不足 25
5.2 研究展望 25
参考文献 26
附 录 27
致 谢 31
第1章 绪论
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