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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 社会学类 > 社会工作 > 正文


 2021-10-17 16:09:44  

摘 要



关键词:城市流动人口 青少年健康发展 个体化


In recent years, with the deepening of reform and opening-up, China's modernization process continues to accelerate, the rural surplus labor force began to shift to the city on a large scale, the healthy development of their children has received more and more attention of the society. As an increasingly large group, whether the urban mobility are healthy or not is not only related to their future and development, but also related to the progress and stability of the whole society. Therefore, it is a practical and realistic topic to explore how the family of floating population influence the healthy development of their children and what effective measures should be taken to promote their physical and mental health and long-term development. In the existing studies, the main context is minor family education, and focuses on the influence of family environment. This text is to mainly discuss the healthy development of the floating population children and families under the individual perspective, the current research in this area is very limited. 

In this article, the use of literature, questionnaire, interviews and other methods to explore the topic about the healthy development of children offloating population, including current situations,factors,and solutions in Wuhan, Hubei .We can fully understand and grasp the healthy development of these migrant families and their children.In addition, through the analysis, we can propose the corresponding suggestions to help young people realize the healthy development, as well as provide reference for the mobile youth work in the future.

Key words:urban floating population,adolescent health development, individuality


第一章绪论 1

1.1研究背景及问题的提出 1

1.2研究目的及意义 1

1.3研究综述 2

1.3.1国内外相关研究 2

1.3.2研究内容分析 2

1.3.3研究方法分析 3

1.3.4文献评述 3

1.4本文的研究内容及研究方法 4

1.4.1研究内容 4

1.4.2研究方法 4

1.5理论基础 4

1.5.1青少年健康发展视角 4

1.5.2个体化视角 4

1.5.3埃里克森的心理社会发展理论 5

第二章城市流动未成年人健康发展现状简单描述性分析 6

2.1身体健康 6

2.2心理健康 7

2.2.1青少年心理健康现状描述 7

2.2.2青少年心理健康现状分析 8

2.3性教育 9

第三章城市流动未成年人健康发展的家庭因素分析 10

3.1家庭主观原因(从家长的角度分析) 10

3.2家庭客观原因 10

第四章促进城市流动未成年人健康发展的对策建议 12

第五章 结论与思考 13

参考文献 14

附录 15

致谢 19




当前日益加速的社会流动和社会分化,使城乡社会成员逐渐从原来对自己有约束作用的单位、集体、社区或家庭中抽离,成为能“自己决定自己命运”的个体,社会的个体化趋势日益明显,个体化社会到来。城市流动人口选择在城市就业,发财致富,这在很大程度上反映的就是社会的个体化使得社会成员实现 “为自己而活”。随着流动人口的数量和规模都在明显地增加和扩大,城市流动未成年人的健康发展成为新的问题。



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