2021-10-08 18:53:44
摘 要
幼儿期是人格发展的关键时期,应该受到父母的重视。儿童早期的发展是成年时期各项基本素质形成的最初阶段,其意义重大,影响深远,应该给予足够的重视,满足幼儿的情感需要,增强心理健康的建设。目前,中国工业化和城市化进程中,农村剩余劳动力转移到城市,导致外出务工的 家庭结构不完整,产生了中国特有的农村留守幼儿现象。父母长时间不在身边,将影响幼儿的依恋类型,无法满足幼儿的情感支持,亲子关系淡漠。养成幼儿孤僻、冷漠、责任感缺失、自信心不强的性格。本论文拟从家庭教养方式对幼儿人格发展的角度切入留守儿童成长问题及社会工作介入。探讨家庭教养方式对留守幼儿人格发展的影响因素及影响方式,研究社会工作方法介入留守幼儿家庭、支持留守幼儿发展的途径。
Early childhood is a critical period of personality development, which should be paid attention by parents. Early development of children is the initial stage of the formation of the basic quality of the adult period, its significance, far-reaching, should be given enough attention to meet the emotional needs of children, and enhance the construction of mental health. At present, China's industrialization and urbanization process, the transfer of rural surplus labor to the city, resulting in the family structure is not complete, resulting in the phenomenon of rural left behind children in China's unique phenomenon. Parents for a long time is not around, will affect the children's attachment type, can not meet the child's emotional support, parent-child relationship indifference. Developing children's apathy, lack of responsibility, self-confidence is not strong character. This paper intends to study the development of children's personality from the perspective of family parenting style, and to study the problem of the development of the left behind children and the intervention of social work. To explore the influencing factors and influencing factors of the personality development of the left behind children, and to study the ways of social work involved in the development of left behind children and support the development of the left behind children.
Key words:Left-behind young children; Family upbringing;Personality development.
目 录
第1章 绪论 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2研究意义 1
1.3研究目的 1
1.4研究综述 1
1.5概念界定 2
第2章 影响幼儿人格发展的因素 4
2.1理论基础 4
2.1.1群体社会化理论 4
2.1.2生态心理学理论 4
2.2家庭 4
2.3同伴群体 5
2.4幼儿园 5
第3章 留守幼儿的教养环境 6
3.1家庭环境 6
3.1.1家庭结构 6
3.1.2家庭教养方式 6
3.1.3家庭文化氛围 6
3.1.4家庭社会经济地位 7
3.2农村幼儿教育 7
3.3社区教育 7
3.4社会制度因素 8
第4章 家庭教养方式对留守幼儿人格发展的影响 9
4.1理论基础 9
4.1.1心理动力学理论 9
4.1.2社会学习理论 9
4.1.3依恋理论 9
4.2溺爱型教养方式 10
4.3放任型教养方式 10
4.4重男轻女观念下教养方式 11
第5章 社会工作介入留守幼儿家庭、支持幼儿发展的途径 12
5.1家庭方面 12
5.2幼儿园 12
5.3社区方面 13
5.4政府方面 13
结 论 15
参考文献 16
致 谢 18
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