2021-02-25 13:13:22
摘 要
Until the foundation of the youth volunteers association in the early 1990s, youth volunteers had formal organizations. Relying on voluntary organizations, volunteer services are organized and regulated. As the number of volunteers expands, volunteer services rise slowly, and volunteer content goes deeper. Volunteer services have not only stayed in individual or small parts of the group, but it gradually transit to organized, disciplined groups, becoming groups of organizations. In the world of voluntary volunteering, the various volunteers in our country have grown increasingly thriving. Since 1993, college students have grown up in universities across the country, and not only have the numbers grown, but they are growing, The content has become increasingly rich and attracted a number of aspiring and aspiring contemporary college students to volunteer services. But the academic community has a vacancy in the development model for college students. so, This article is using literature to find out how to combine the development patterns of our university students with empirical research. And Kangxi, the volunteer service team at my school and the administration of the administration. Making detailed analysis of the Kangxi volunteer organization's history, internal structure, staff management, service content, incentive mechanism, external resources, etc. To examine the challenges facing the current college students volunteers and give them corresponding suggestions and advice.
Key Word: University students; Voluntary organizations; Developmental pattern
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
目 录 III
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 问题的提出 1
1.2 文献综述 1
1.2.1 国内文献综述 1
1.2.2 国外文献综述 3
1.2.3 研究总结 4
1.3 研究目的与意义 4
1.3.1 研究目的 4
1.3.2 研究意义 5
1.4 研究方法 5
1.4.1 文献法 5
1.4.2 访谈法 5
1.4.3 参与式观察法 6
1.5 创新点 6
第二章 中国大学生志愿组织发展模式现状 7
2.1 青年志愿者组织的发展历程 7
第三章 亢茜志愿服务队发展模式分析 ................................ 9
3.1 亢茜志愿服务队的产生及历史脉络 9
3.2 亢茜志愿服务队的组织机构 9
3.3 亢茜志愿服务队内部运作方式 10
3.3.1 志愿者招募、选拔及培训情况 10
3.3.2 志愿服务内容 12
3.3.3 资金来源 13
3.3.4 激励机制与干部轮选 13
3.4 外部资源支持 15
3.4.1 校内资源 15
3.4.2 政府与社工机构 15
3.4.3 社区及康复机构 15
第四章 亢茜志愿服务队可借鉴的成功经验 ............................... 16
4.1 服务领域和服务方式的创新性 16
4.2 志愿者选拔及培训机制的有效性 16
4.3 组织内部规章制度及管理机制的完善性 17
第五章 大学生志愿组织的发展困境 18
5.1 大学生志愿组织的内部发展困境 18
5.1.1 志愿人才流失,人员的流动性大 18
5.1.2 志愿服务队伍内部联系松散,服务人员相对孤立 18
5.2 外部资源链接有限,资源链接方式效率较低 19
第六章 促进大学生志愿组织良好发展的对策分析 20
6.1 扩大招募及宣传力度,完善志愿者激励机制 20
6.2 加强队伍纵向联系,统筹志愿者培训机制 21
6.3 积极打造社会志愿服务链,推进社工机构与志愿组织间合作 21
第七章 结语 23
7.1 结论 23
7.2 研究的不足之处 23
参考文献 24
附 录 26
致 谢 27
第一章 绪论
1.1 问题的提出
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