2021-02-25 13:12:50
摘 要
In recent years, with China's economic development and urbanization construction of high-speed, more and more social problems also appeared. School campus problems in the campus bullying phenomenon in recent years is endless, causing widespread concern and thinking of the community.
The occurrence of bullying in primary and secondary schools is not only harmful to the physical and psychological behavior of students, but also to the healthy development of students' academic and interpersonal communication. It also adds a lot of uncertainties to the campus environment. For the bullied, long-term bullying, will produce inferiority, fear, weariness and other adverse reactions, and even produce extreme acts of suicide; and for the bully, the long bullying of others caused by improper sense of power Will make it form a violent solution to the problem, seriously hinder the formation of its healthy personality, and even evolved into an anti-social personality into the path of crime. And bystanders will feel fear and trauma, if the bully who is not due to the punishment may be formed acquisition of bullying, the same is not conducive to the healthy development of physical and mental.
The causes of bullying in primary and secondary schools are multifaceted, not only the reasons of adolescent personal traits and personality tendencies, but also the effects of family rearing, while social and campus environmental factors also contribute to the production of bullying. This requires us to analyze and study the solution to this problem, we must uphold the principle of the system. This paper aims to analyze the causes of bullying in primary and secondary schools from the specific cases through the use of the professional knowledge and skills of so15cial work, and put forward the prevention and diversion methods to purify the campus environment and realize the physical and mental health of primary and secondary schools Healthy growth, so as to contribute to the harmonious development of society a force.
Key Words: primary and secondary school;campus bullying;cause;grooming intervention
目 录
第1章 绪论 1
1.1问题的提出和研究意义 1
1.1.1问题的提出 1
1.1.2研究意义 2
第2章 校园欺凌的概念解析和研究综述 3
2.1相关概念解析 3
2.1.1校园欺凌 3
2.1.2欺凌行为、攻击行为、暴力行为 4
2.2研究综述 4
2.2.1国内研究综述 5
2.2.2国外研究综述 6
2.2.3分析与评价 7
第3章 中小学校园欺凌行为相关分析 8
3.1中小学校园欺凌行为的类型 8
3.1.1语言欺凌 8
3.1.2肢体欺凌 8
3.1.3关系欺凌 8
3.2中小学校园欺凌行为的特点 8
3.2.1隐蔽性 8
3.2.2普遍性 9
3.2.3多样性 9
3.2.4反复性 9
3.2.5不平衡性 10
3.3中小学校园欺凌行为的成因分析 10
3.3.1个人因素 10
3.3.2家庭因素 11
3.3.3学校因素 12
3.3.4社会因素 13
3.4中小学校园欺凌行为的多维解释 13
3.4.1社会示范论 13
3.4.2亚文化群和文化传递理论 14
3.4.3标签理论 14
3.4.4破窗理论 15
第4章 中小学校园欺凌行为的预防和疏导机制 16
4.1个人角度 16
4.2家长角度 16
4.3学校角度 17
4.4政府角度 17
参考文献 19
致谢 20
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