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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 理工学类 > 应用物理 > 正文


 2022-06-11 21:38:05  


摘 要






With the rapid development of science and technology, more and more control circuit of current places being applied , at the same time the problems became more and more. In the application of current control circuit, the control part of most potentiometer is used to complete. The adjustment of current methods exist a problem, the adjustment of the current is done through the regulation of potentiometer, These use can appear with potentiometer grinding and application places the influence of air humidity, dust, adjust the parameters of the inaccurate, makes experimental data appear larger error, may even lead to experimental instrument damage, etc. In order to solve this problem we use the single chip microcomputer and photoelectric encoder with no wear regulation of dc electric current is realized.

The content of the paper is based on the use of photoelectric encoder research combined with direct current control circuit STC89C52 microcomputer system design. Mainly is the encoder, digital potentiometer and STC89C52 single-chip microcomputer combined into an organic whole, through the LM317, designed a STC89C52 micro controller based dc current control circuit of the system. By using the combined method of software and hardware, the system has the characteristics of modular and multi-purpose.

Paper summarizes the basic principle of photoelectric encoder input system, this paper expounds the principle and characteristics of photoelectric encoder and the characteristics of micro controller, digital encoder, LM317 are introduced. Through the photoelectric encoder, STC89C52 single-chip microcomputer and digital potentiometer, LM317 interaction, replacing the original potentiometer and function, has realized the single chip microcomputer to no wear and tear of dc current adjustment, and the paper introduces the software structure of system, through the programming to realize each function of system setting.

Keywords: photoelectric encoder, single-chip microcomputer,

digital potentiometer, LM317

目 录

摘要 1


目 录 3

第一章系统的整体结构及描述 5

第二章编码器 6

2.1 概述 6

2.2 编码器的分类 6

2.3 光电编码器的工作原理 6

2.4编码器模块在本系统中的应用 7

第三章STC89C51单片机 9

3.1 概述 9

3.2 单片机系统的主要结构 9

3.2.1 CPU 9

3.2.2 存储器 10

3.2.3时钟电路与复位电路 10

3.3 单片机部分引脚功能 12

3.4 增强型8051单片机 13

3.5 STC89C52单片机在本系统中的应用 14

第四章 数字电位器 14

4.1 概述 15

4.2 数字电位器的原理 15

4.4 数字电位器MAX5481 17

4.4.1 关键特性 17

4.4.2引脚说明 17

4.4.3工作模式及其相应的时序图 18

4.4 .4 MAX5481在本系统中的应用 18

第五章 稳压器LM317 19

5.1 概述 20

5.2 LM317特性简介 20

5.3 引脚封装 20

5.4 LM317的最大特性 21

5.5 LM317的基本工作原理 21

5.6 保护二极管 22

5.7 LM317的简单应用 23

5.8 LM317的不足与改进 25

5.9 LM317在本系统中的应用 25

第六章运算放大器 26

6.1 概述 27

6.2 运算放大器在本系统中的应用 27

第七章数模转换芯片AD7898 28

7.1 概述 29

7.2 AD7898的参数 29

7.3 AD7898功能介绍 29

7.4 AD7898在本系统中的应用 30

第八章 液晶屏 31

8.1概述 32

8.2液晶参数 32

8.3液晶在本论文中的应用 32

第九章系统主要程序 32

9.1 初始化 33

9.2 编码器部分 34

9.3 电压转换 35

9.4 数模转换 35

9.5 模数转换 36

9.6 采样电压的测量 37

9.7 液晶屏显示 38

第十章系统的原理图 38

第十章小结 39

致谢 40

参考文献 40




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