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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 理工学类 > 应用物理 > 正文


 2020-07-14 22:09:25  

摘 要





关键词:单片机 触控屏 数字化控制


In the university physics experiment of "hall effect method to determine the axial magnetic induction intensity distribution of solenoid tubes", it is usually necessary to adjust the size and direction of hall current and excitation current. At the same time, we also need to measure the value of hall voltage at different positions of the hall current and excitation current.

At present, for the common magnetic field tester on the market, the Hall current and the excitation current are usually adjusted by potentiometers. The direction of the Hall current and the excitation current are usually commutated by mechanical switches, and the digital tube is used to display data during the experiment.

The typical structure of potentiometer is mainly composed of resistive, contact brush, matrix or skeleton. When the experimenter repeatedly turns on the potentiometer, the contact and resistance film frequently rub, and the resistance body and contact brush are damaged, and the contact is not good. Mechanical switch is to use mechanical touch to change the circuit breaker. Repeated use can cause a lot of wear and tear, leading to failure in the control circuit. For the data in the experimental process, the display information of digital tube is less and the function is relatively simple.

In view of these problems, we have developed a new type of digital solenoid magnetic field experiment instrument, which is based on the STC89 series single chip microcomputer, combined with the use of touch screen, to realize the digital control of the instrument. The new digital solenoid magnetic field tester can avoid the mechanical wear caused by traditional operation and improve the service life of the instrument. At the same time, the new functions such as automatic standby, experimental circuit and real-time curve display are added to enrich the experimental content.

Key words: Single chip computer; Touch screen; Digital control


摘要 I


第一章绪论 1

1.1螺线管磁场实验仪实验原理 1

1.2新型数字螺线管磁场实验仪方案设计 2

第二章新型数字螺线管磁场实验仪硬件设计 4

2.1 STC89C52RC模块 4

2.1.1 STC89C52RC简介 4

2.1.2 STC89C52RC应用电路 8

2.2触控屏 9

2.2.1触控屏简介 9

2.2.2通讯电路 MAX232A 11

2.3霍尔电流模块 12

2.3.1恒流源电路(毫安级) LM358P 12

2.3.2 数模转换电路 TLV5616CP 14

2.4 励磁电流模块 16

2.4.1恒流源电路(安培级) 16

2.5继电器模块 18

2.5.1 继电器简介 18

2.5.2 继电器控制电路 18

2.6霍尔电压模块 20

2.6.1 小信号放大电路 UA741 20

2.6.2 模数转换电路 ADS7816P 22

2.6.3 光耦隔离电路 6N137 24

第三章主要功能实现 27

3.1实验仪器自动待机功能 27

3.1.1 实验仪器自动待机 触控屏配置 27

3.1.2 实验仪器自动待机 软件设计 28

3.2实验电路模拟接线功能 31

3.2.1 实验电路模拟接线 触控屏配置 31

3.2.2 实验电路模拟接线 软件设计 32

3.3数据实时曲线显示功能 33

3.3.1 数据实时曲线显示 触控屏配置 33

3.3.2 数据实时曲线显示 软件设计 34

第四章新型数字螺线管磁场实验仪电路原理图、PCB图 36

4.1新型数字螺线管磁场实验仪电路原理图 36

4.2 新型数字螺线管磁场实验仪PCB图 37

第五章总结 38

参考文献 39

致谢 40





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