2021-04-06 22:04:23
摘 要
与传统船舶相比,自主船的动力系统更加复杂。特别是当事故发生时,III型自主船没有船员可以采取纠正措施。因此,必须更加注重动力系统的安全。根据中国船级社发布的《智能船舶规范》和《自主货物运输船舶指南》中对III型自主船动力系统的功能要求,本文首先建立了III型自主船动力系统的STAMP系统理论事故及过程模型(Systems-Theoretic Accident Modeling and Process, STAMP),之后运用系统理论过程分析方法(Systems-Theoretic Process Analysis, STPA)识别自主船动力系统的不安全控制操作和致因因素。此外,本文提供了相应的安全约束和减缓措施,以达到减少不安全控制操作的发生概率及其产生的损失的目的。
With the development of technology, the MASS (maritime autonomous surface ships, MASS) have gradually became hotspots in the maritime community. The safety of the MASS is the basic guarantee for its navigation. In order to facilitate the safe development of the type III MASS, the stability of power systems becomes an important issue and worth to be investigated. Therefore, this dissertation aims to analyze the safety of type III MASS power system.
A power system of the type III MASS is more complex compared with that of conventional ship. In particular, when the accidents take place, there be no crews on board who can undertake corrective actions. Therefore, human must pay more attention to the safety of the power system. According to the functional requirements of the Rules for Intelligent Ships and Guidelines for autonomous cargo ship published by China Classification Society, this paper proposed the STAMP model (Systems-Theoretic Accident Modeling and Process, STAMP) of type III MASS power system. Based on the STAMP model, this dissertation identifies the unsafe control actions and scenario of power systems through the STPA method (Systems-Theoretic Process Analysis, STPA). According to the results, this dissertation provides corresponding constrains and mitigating measures to prevent unsafe control actions.
The main research contents of this dissertation are shown as follows:
1) Establish the STAMP model of type III MASS power system. A brief introduction to the power system of type III MASS power system. According to the structure and function of power system, establish the STAMP model;
2) Analysis of unsafe control actions and causes by STPA methods.;
3) Provide corresponding constrains and mitigate measures to reduce the risk of hazard.
Keywords: MASS; power system; STAMP; STPA
摘要 I
Abstract II
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 选题背景及意义 1
1.2 国内外的研究现状 1
1.2.1 国外研究现状 2
1.2.2 国内研究现状 2
1.3 研究内容及技术路线 3
1.3.1 研究的基本内容 3
1.3.2 技术方案及措施 4
1.4 论文结构安排 4
第2章 基于STAMP的自主船动力系统安全分析框架 6
2.1 自主船动力系统结构与设备 6
2.1.1 自主船动力系统控制结构 6
2.1.2 自主船动力系统设备与功能 6
2.2 基于STAMP的自主船动力系统安全分析框架 7
2.3 本章小结 9
第3章 自主船动力系统不安全控制操作与致因因素识别 10
3.1 自主船动力系统事故风险分级 10
3.2 主机系统及其交互 11
3.3 推进系统及其交互 15
3.4 辅助机械及其交互 19
3.5 报警与监测系统及其交互 23
3.6 远程操控中心及其交互进行 26
3.7 中央控制中心及其交互 30
3.8 本章小结 33
第4章 自主船船载动力系统安全约束以及减缓措施 34
4.1 致因因素分类 34
4.2 安全约束分类 35
4.3 详细的安全约束 35
4.4 本章小结 37
第5章 总结与展望 38
5.1 研究总结 38
5.2 未来展望 38
参考文献 39
致谢 41
第1章 绪论
1.1 选题背景及意义