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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 理工学类 > 轮机工程 > 正文


 2021-03-25 23:03:34  

摘 要


本文主要研究实现货油泵的安全可靠高效的运行,分析并了解了船用货油泵的各种结构,并且运用Visual C 作为软件基础平台和数据库建立了货油泵运维管理系统,以实现货油泵的健康管理与智能维护,本文工作如下:

  1. 首先分析了目前国内外比较先进的货油泵的组成结构,并分析了货油泵的工作原理,在此基础上得到了详细的船用货油泵的可靠性指标,这作为我们管理货油泵的一个重要的部分;
  2. 本文利用了Visual C 作为平台,并运用Access建立货油泵运维管理数据库,DAO数据链接实现软件和数据库的链接,实现船用货油泵健康管理与智能维护平台,总共实现了五大功能模块,分别是:人员管理数据库、设备管理数据库、备品备件管理数据库、维修管理数据库、保养计划数据库,并在数据库中实现了添加功能、删除功能、修改功能和排序功能;
  3. 前面已经完成了软件的设计和数据库的建立,这部分我们实现货油泵在不同状态下的运维管理策略,分别是正常监测状态、报警状态、故障维修状态、保养状态。数据库之间的关联实现了这四种状态。

本文通过分析船用货油泵的结构组成和工作原理,研究了货油泵的生命周期和各组成部件的生命周期及可行性参数,确定了货油泵常见的一些故障原因及维修方法,了解借鉴了健康管理技术和机务管理系统。并且运用Visual C 和数据库建立了货油泵的健康管理和智能维护系统,以此系统实现货油泵运维管理。本文所研究的内容基本实现了:货油泵无论出现那种工况,此系统都可以提供相关的人员、设备、维修状态、保养状态等信息,针对不同的工况会筛选出核心数据,以此来保证货油泵的健康运行,最终实现整合油船在货油泵这个系统的安全可靠高效地运行。



In this paper, the study of marine fuel pump health management and intelligent maintenance, cargo pump is a very important part of a large tanker, the structure is not particularly complex, but the integrated cargo pump system is complex and diverse, in the ship's safety has a very Large hidden dangers, it is necessary to improve the safety of marine fuel pumps. The current ship management in the direction of intelligent development, is no longer just rely on human resources to manage, but more use of computer integration of various information and data to deal with the problem, so that the whole management can be more systematic and standardized, Manpower, material and financial resources of the savings, but also better improve the safety of the ship. This is of great significance to the safety

of the entire tanker.

This paper mainly studies the safe, reliable and efficient operation of the cargo pump, analyzes and understands the various structures of the marine fuel pump, and uses Visual C as the software foundation platform and database to establish the cargo oil pump operation and maintenance management system to realize the health of the cargo pump Management and intelligent maintenance, this work is as follows:

1) First of all, the current analysis of the composition of the more advanced domestic and foreign fuel pump structure, and analysis of the working principle of the pump, on the basis of a detailed analysis of the reliability of marine fuel pump, which we manage a cargo pump Important part;

2) This article uses Visual C as the platform, and uses Access to establish the cargo pump operation and maintenance management database, DAO data link to realize the software and database link, realize the ship fuel pump health management and intelligent maintenance platform, a total of five functional modules, respectively Is: staff management database, equipment management database, spare parts management database, maintenance management database, maintenance plan database, and in the database to achieve the add function, delete the function, modify the function and sorting function;

3) In front of the software has been completed and the establishment of the database, this part of our cargo pump in different states of the operation and maintenance management strategy, respectively, the normal monitoring status, alarm status, fault maintenance status, maintenance status. The association between the databases implements these four states.

In this paper, by analyzing the structure and working principle of the marine fuel pump, the life cycle and the life cycle and the feasibility parameters of the cargo pump are studied. Some common causes and maintenance methods of the cargo pump are identified, and the health management Technology and maintenance management system. And the use of Visual C and the database to establish a cargo pump health management and intelligent maintenance system, this system to achieve cargo oil pump operation and maintenance management. In this paper, the basic content of the study: the cargo pump regardless of the kind of conditions, the system can provide the relevant personnel, equipment, maintenance status, maintenance status and other information, for different conditions will screen out the core data, this To ensure the healthy operation of the cargo pump, and ultimately to achieve the integration of oil tankers in the cargo pump system safe and reliable operation.

Key words: cargo pump; health management; database; reliability


目录 4

第1章 绪论 6

1.1研究的目的及意义 6

1.2.1货油泵的国内外发展现状 7

1.2.2货油泵的国内发展现状 8

1.2.3货油泵的国外发展状况 8

1.2.4国内外的研究现状 9

1.3本文主要工作 10

第2章 货油泵可靠性和结构分析 11

2.1 可靠性的定义 11

2.2可靠性参数及指标 12

2.3船用货油泵的可靠性指标 12

2.4货油泵的组成 13

2.4.1叶轮         13

2.4.2轴与轴套 14

2.4.3蜗壳 14

2.4.4导轮        14

2.4.5密封环         15

2.4.6轴向力平衡装置 15

2.5货油泵的工作原理 17

第3章 船用货油泵数据库建立 17

3.1 VC数据库编程特点 17

3.1.1数据库访问技术方式 18

3.1.3 DAO编程 18

3.2 Access 数据库建立 19

3.2.1 创建数据库 19

3.2.2 数据库编程 19

3.3基础数据表单设计和表单之间联系 20

3.3.1基础数据表单设计 20

3.3.2 船用货油泵数据库之间的关系 22

3.3.3主程序与子程序链接实现 24

3.4货油泵的机务管理系统 25

3.4.1查询功能的实现 26

3.4.2修改功能的实现 28

3.4.3添加功能的实现 29

3.4.4删除功能 29

3.5数据库的设计 30

第4章 运维管理可行性分析 32

4.1货油泵运维管理 32

4.2船用货油泵数据库表单 33

4.3船用货油泵运维管理策略实现 35

4.3.1正常监测状态 35

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