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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 理工学类 > 轮机工程 > 正文


 2021-03-17 21:06:28  

摘 要





4.最后考虑到海洋与陆地环境的差异,导致网络拓扑的区别以及网络通讯协议的不同,讨论海上主流网络拓扑结构:无线mesh网络与Ad Hoc网络,具体协议的异同,如:DSR与AODV,TCP与UDP。



In recent years,Human maritime activities are becoming more frequent。The development and use of marine resources in the world is becoming more and more important.So the sea network communication has become a link can not be ignored.However, at this stage, the development of maritime network communication is still in the initial stage, facing many problems, such as: high cost, weak signal, connection instability and so on. Therefore, the study of maritime network communication has a bright future.

1.This article based on the Internet open source software and open source hardware, build OpenWRT platform, to achieve the open source router compiler, so that it has a relay function, simulation of maritime network communication protocol.

2.First of all, in the choice of open source router, select the fast FWR200 and the flames HG320, two routers are cheap, open source firmware rich, easy to compile features.

3.Second, in the design of the compiler platform, compared DD-WRT, Tomoto, OpenWRT three open source platform advantages and disadvantages, design choice OpenWRT as the subject of the compilation platform.

4.Finally, taking into account the differences between the ocean and the land environment, the difference between the network topology and the network communication protocol is discussed. The mainstream network topology of the sea is discussed: the similarities and differences between the wireless mesh network and the Ad Hoc network, such as TCP / IP and AODV.

Keywords:sea network communication;open source software;open sourcehardware;OpenWRT;network communication protocol


摘要 3

Abstract 4

第一章绪论 7

1.1 研究背景 7

1.2 研究的目的和意义 7

1.3 国内外研究现状 8

1.4 研究内容 10

第二章无线网络中继器的需求分析 12

2.1甚高频数据交换系统(VHF Data Exchange System,VDES) 12

2.1.1 VDES简介 12

2.1.2 VDES原理 12

2.1.3 技术路线 14

2.2 通信网络的基本概念 15

2.2.1开放系统互联(OSI:Open System Interconnection) 15

2.2.2 TCP/IP体系结构 17

2.3局域网基础 18

2.3.1 局域网络的体系结构 19

2.3.2 无线局域网及无线中继器 20

2.4 本章小结 20

第三章开源路由器选型设计 21

3.1迅捷FWR200与烽火HG320 21

3.1.1 迅捷FWR200 21

3.1.2 烽火HG320 22

3.2操作系统选型设计 22

3.2.1DD-WRT:支持广泛、功能全面 23

3.2.2Tomato:衍生版本众多 23

3.2.3 OpenWRT:部署复杂、灵活性高 24

3.3 无线路由器工作模式选型设计 24

3.3.1 桥接模式(Bridge) 24

3.3.2 中继模式(repeater) 25

3.3.3中继模式与桥接模式选型设计 26

3.4 基于breed web 搭建OpenWRT系统(以迅捷FWR200为例) 27

3.4.1 breed web恢复控制台简介 27

3.4.2基于breedweb刷写OpenWRT系统 28

3.5 基于Ubuntu系统搭建OpenWRT开发环境 29

3.5.1 Linux系统及Ubuntu系统介绍 29

3.5.2 搭建开发环境并编译OpenWRT源码(以Ubuntu 14.04为例) 29

3.6 中继功能测试 31

3.7 本章小结 31

第四章无线通信路由协议修改设计 32

4.1无线Mesh网络(WMN) 32

4.1.1 无线mesh网络的特点 32

4.2 Ad Hoc网络 33

4.2.1 Ad Hoc网络特点 33

4.3 Ad Hoc网络与无线mesh网络的区别 33

4.4AODV(Ad hoc On-demand Distance Vector Routing,按需距离矢量路由协议) 34

4.5 AODV与DSR的区别 35

4.6 UDP与TCP的区别 35

4.7 本章小结 36

第五章结论与展望 37

参考文献 39

致谢 40


1.1 研究背景



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