2021-03-23 22:25:27
摘 要
The project was a design for the construction of the library structure, the upper main structure was the reinforced concrete framework, the ground was the reinforced concrete floor structure and the foundation design was the independent basis under the column.The building plane was designed on the basis of its use and the lay-out of beams,columns and boards were designed according to the architectural design. A framework was selected and calculated the effect of the dead load, the live load, the wind load and the seismic load on it, and then went on designing and checking the cross sections of structural components, applying the stratification method, bottom shear method and softwares,including PKPM and the structural mechanics solver to calculate. Other softwares,including CAD and Tianzheng construction were used to finish the construction design and the design of the structural reinforcement.
The process was divided into the next three steps:
- the design of the building plane
- the calculation of the structure design
- the design of the drawings of the architecture and the structural construction
Key words: framework structure; structural design; reinforced concrete structure
目 录
第1章 绪论 1
1.1研究方向 1
1.2结构设计 1
1.3施工工艺 1
第2章 设计资料 2
第3章 结构类型的选择及梁柱截面尺寸的估算 4
3.1结构类型的选择 4
3.2梁柱截面尺寸估算 4
第4章 计算简图 5
4.1确定框架计算简图 5
4.2框架梁柱线刚度计算 5
第5章 一榀框架内力计算及组合 7
5.1恒载标准值计算 7
5.2活载标准 8
5.3竖向荷载统计 8
5.3.1框架梁均布荷载统计 9
5.4水平风荷载计算 13
5.4.1柱抗侧移刚度D计算 14
5.4.2 风荷载作用下的位移验算 15
5.5水平地震作用计算 15
5.6 活荷载标准值作用下框架内力计算 18
5.6.1 分配系数计算 18
5.6.2固端弯矩计算 20
5.6.3 框架梁柱剪力计算及剪力图 24
5.6.4 框架轴力计算 27
5.7 水平风载作用下框架内力计算 28
5.7.1各柱反弯点剪力值计算 29
5.7.2框架柱杆端弯矩两端弯矩计算 29
5.7.3 框架柱轴力与梁端剪力计算 31
5.8活载作用下框架内力计算(电算) 34
5.9恒载作用下框架内力计算(电算) 37
5.10地震作用下框架内力计算(电算) 40
5.11水平风载作用下框架内力计算(电算) 46
5.12内力组合 49
5.12.1竖向荷载作用下的梁端弯矩调幅计算 49
5.12.2控制截面处内力值的计算 49
第6章 截面设计与配筋 50
6.1框架柱截面设计 50
6.2框架梁截面设计 55
第7章 基础设计 58
7.1 作用在基础顶面的荷载 59
7.2确定基底尺寸及埋深 59
7.3 基础高度及抗冲切验算 61
7.4沉降验算及抗震验算 63
7.5 配筋计算 64
第8章 楼梯设计 67
8.1 梯段板和梯段梁设计 67
8.1.1 示意图 67
8.1.2 基本参数 68
8.1.3 荷载计算 68
8.1.4 配筋计算 69
8.2 休息平台板计算 70
8.2.1 基本参数 70
8.2.2 配筋计算 71
8.3 梯口梁计算 72
8.3.1 荷载计算 72
8.3.2 截面内力及配筋计算 72
结束语 73
参考文献 74
附录 75
致谢 76
第1章 绪论