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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 矿业类 > 消防工程 > 正文


 2022-06-12 20:28:57  


摘 要



关键词:酒店 消火栓系统 自动喷水灭火系统

Design of fire water system on seven-story hotel


Hotels appear to be more and more common in our lives with the increasing development of modern economy, accompanied by a high demand in fire extinguishing system due to the tremendous mobility of its faculty, large amount of inflammable materials in interior decoration, highly fire risks and so on.

The project in this design is a seven-floor commercial low-rise building, with the seven floors on the ground excluding those sub levels. The first floor is the lobby of the hotel, the second floor is the restaurant and entertainment places, and the other floors are guest rooms. It was required to be the Type Two building according to those devising rule, with slight level of dangers. There would be fire hydrant of 15L/s indoors. While the sprinkler system is in closed wet system, which is of 30L/s flow. And its sprayer is closed hung in 68℃, with its lift of 100mH2O. This design, based on fire extinguishing system and sprinkler system, includes its fundamental classifications, components, design principles, and then describes its main design procedures and calculating parameters, finally come to the overall fire extinguishing budgets of water supply system.

Key words: hotel;fire extinguishing system; sprinkler system.


摘要 I


第1章 概述 1

1.1 研究背景 1

1.2 消防给水系统概况 2

1.3 设计内容 2

1.3.1 设计规范 2

1.3.2 法律规范 2

1.3.3 工程概况 3

1.3.4 消火栓系统设计内容 4

1.3.5 自动喷水灭火系统设计内容 4

第2章 消防水系统 5

2.1 消火栓给水系统 5

2.1.1 室外消火栓 5

2.1.2 室内消火栓 7

2.1.3 消火栓系统设置范围 10

2.2 自动喷水灭火系统 11

第3章 消火栓系统设计 15

3.1 消防用水量 15

3.2 室外消火栓的设计 16

3.2.1 室外消火栓的数量 16

3.2.2 室外消火栓的布置要求 16

3.3 室内消火栓的设计 16

3.3.1 室内消火栓、水枪、水带型号的选定 16

3.3.2 充实水柱的计算 17

3.3.3 消火栓间距及保护半径 18

3.3.4 消火栓栓口处所需压力 19

3.3.5 给水管网管径和水头损失 21

3.3.6 消防水泵 23

3.3.7 消防水箱 24

3.3.8 消防水池 25

第4章 自动喷水灭火系统设计 26

4.1 确定火灾危险等级 26

4.2 系统选型 27

4.3 确定设计参数 27

4.4 喷头的选择与布置 29

4.4.1 喷头的选择 29

4.4.2 喷头的布置 29

4.5 系统流量计算 31

4.6 校核喷水强度 31

4.7 管道水力计算 32

4.7.1 管道的沿程水头损失 32

4.7.2 管道局部水头损失 32

4.7.3 沿程和局部水头损失 33

4.7.4 管系特性系数 34

4.7.5 水泵扬程或系统入水口的供水压力 34

4.7.6 水箱高度的确定 35

4.8 计算流程 35

4.8.1 水泵供水水力计算 35

4.8.2 流速校核 37

4.8.3 水泵供水喷水强度校核 37

4.8.4 喷淋泵的选型 38

4.8.5 水泵接合器的设置及水池容积 38

4.8.6 水箱供水水力计算 38

4.8.7 水箱供水喷水强度校核 40

4.9 喷淋系统计算小结 41

4.9.1 水泵 41

4.9.2 水箱 41

设计总结 42

参考文献 43

第1章 概述

1.1 研究背景




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