2022-06-15 23:31:45
摘 要
关键词:高层建筑 消火栓灭火系统 自动喷水灭火系统
Design oF Fire Water Supply System on the High-Rise Office Building District in Shanghai
In order to satisfy the request of the social economical development, high-rise buildings emerge endlessly with high quantity and rapid growth. The higher the high-rise building is, the more devastation of the fire is, which tends to bring about heavy losses and large casualties. In this sense, it is very necessary to design the fire protection systems on the high-rise building. People should pay more attention to the system design of fire protection in high buildings.
The general situations of the designated building were briefly explained in this paper. The type of the given building and its dangerous grade of fire were determined. Based on the hydraulic calculation, the fire hydrant and the automatic sprinkler system were designed. The water supply mode of these two systems was occasional plenum mode. And both of these two systems install water pump and radiator. The radiator supplies the first ten minutes’ water. The type of water pump, the quantity of water pump adapter, the volume of the water tank, the location of the reduced-pressure orifice and the barometric equipment which supplies water were determined by the calculation.
Key words: High-rise Building; Fire Hydrant System; Automatic Sprinkler System; System
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第1章 工程概况 1
第2章 系统选型 2
2.1 两种消防给水系统的概念 2
2.2消防给水方式 2
2.3本章小结 3
第3章 消火栓系统设计 4
3.1室外消火栓设计计算 4
3.1.1室外消火栓型号 4
3.1.2室外消火栓系统技术要求 4
3.1.3室外消火栓数量计算 5
3.1.4室外消火栓布置要求 6
3.2 室内消火栓系统设计 7
3.2.1室内消火栓主要设备 7
3.2.2室内消火栓设计要求 7
3.2.3室内消火栓系统设计计算 8
3.3本章小结 18
第4章 自动喷水灭火系统设计 19
4.1 系统介绍 19
4.1.1 系统发展概述 19
4.1.2 系统设置场所火灾危险等级 20
4.1.3 系统设计原则 20
4.2 系统组成 21
4.2.1 湿式自动喷水灭火系统 21
4.2.2 湿式自动喷水灭火系统组成 22
4.3 湿式自动喷水灭火系统布置 24
4.3.1 喷头的布置 24
4.3.2 报警阀组的布置 25
4.3.3 水流指示器的布置 26
4.3.4 管道布置 26
4.4 系统供水 27
4.5 系统水力计算 28
4.5.1 设计技术参数 28
4.5.2 喷头的布置 29
4.5.3 管径的选择 29
4.5.4 水力计算 30
4.6本章小结 36
参考文献 37
第1章 工程概况
表1-1 建筑分类
名称 | 一类 | 二类 |
居住 建筑 | 高级住宅 十九层及十九层以上地普通住宅 | 十层至十八层地普通住宅 |
公共 建筑 | 1.医院 2.高级旅馆 3.建筑高度超过50m或每层建筑面积超过1000m2的商业楼、展览楼、综合楼、电信楼、财贸金融楼 4.建筑高度超过50m或每层建筑面积超过1500m2的商住楼 请支付后下载全文,论文总字数:28949字
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