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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 矿业类 > 矿物加工工程 > 正文


 2021-03-16 22:54:01  

摘 要






Montmorillonite have a good property of dispersion in an aqueous solution, water molecules adsorbed between the layers and layers, making the montmorillonite easy to peel off under shearing force, producing two-dimensional layered small particles, resulting in pulp sludge and flotation mechanical entrainment or other issues, affecting the recovery rate and grade of flotation concentrate, resulting in tailings difficult to dehydration. In this study, the effect of the reaction of polymer and montmorillonite on the swelling properties of montmorillonite was investigated, which provided new ideas for solving the problem of pulp sludge and flotation mechanical entrainment.

In this study, Na-montmorillonite prepared by sodium was used as the raw material to analyze the effect of high molecular polymer sodium carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) on the swelling properties of Na-montmorillonite through the adsorption kinetics experiment and IR test to determine the reaction of CMC and Na-montmorillonite, the effect of CMC on the swelling properties of Na-montmorillonite was characterized by particle size analysis and expansion capacity, and the influence mechanism of polymer CMC on the swelling properties of Na-montmorillonite was investigated by XRD and IR test.

The results show that the sample is Na-montmorillonite and the granularity is suitable for the study of Na-montmorillonite swelling by the method of XRD and particle size analysis of Na-montmorillonite ores. The experimental results of adsorption kinetics and IR test show that CMC reacts with Na-montmorillonite, forming hydrogen bond at the Al-OH of the end face and Na-montmorillonite; the particle size analysis and swelling capacity experiment showed that the swelling property of Na-montmorillonite was not affected by the reaction of CMC and Na-montmorillonite Finally, The influence mechanism experiment of CMC on the swelling properties of Na-montmorillonite shows that the reaction of CMC and Na-montmorillonite has an effect on the swelling property of Na-montmorillonite, but the force is very weak, continue to add water to expansion, the CMC will occur partial shedding, can not affect the expansion of Na-montmorillonite properties. To sum up: Na-montmorillonite and CMC in aqueous solution will occur adsorption reaction, forming a hydrogen bond at the end face, but the binding force is weak, the binding force is weaker than the Na-montmorillonite swelling force, continue to add water to expansion, CMC will occur part of the fall off, no effect on Na-montmorillonite swelling.

Keywords: Na-montmorillonite; sodium carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC); swelling

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 蒙脱石概述 1

1.1.1 蒙脱石的矿物学特征 1

1.1.2 蒙脱石资源概况 3

1.2 蒙脱石的膨胀 5

1.2.1 膨胀机理 5

1.2.2 蒙脱石膨胀性在选矿中的危害 5

1.2.3 蒙脱石膨胀性影响方法研究 6

1.3 研究的目的及意义 7

1.4 研究内容 7

第2章 实验原料及研究方法 8

2.1 实验试剂与设备 8

2.1.1 实验试剂 8

2.1.2 实验设备 8

2.2 实验原矿 9

2.3 研究方法 9

2.3.1 CMC检测方法 9

2.3.2 吸附动力学实验 10

2.3.3 傅里叶变换红外光谱分析 10

2.3.4 粒度分析 10

2.3.5 膨胀容实验 11

2.3.6 X射线衍射分析 11

第3章 实验结果分析 12

3.1 钠基蒙脱石表征 12

3.2 吸附动力学实验 13

3.3 傅里叶变换红外光谱分析 14

3.4 粒度分析 14

3.5 膨胀容实验 15

3.6 CMC对钠基蒙脱石膨胀性影响机理分析 17

3.6.1 傅里叶变换红外光谱分析 17

3.6.2 X射线衍射分析 18

第4章 结论 19

4.1 结论 19

4.2 展望 19

参考文献 20

致 谢 22

第1章 绪论

1.1 蒙脱石概述

1.1.1 蒙脱石的矿物学特征



蒙脱石是典型的层状粘土矿物,由2:1型层状硅酸盐组成。分子式为(Na,Ca)0.33(Al,Mg)2[Si4O10](OH)2·nH2O。一层铝氧八面体(O)被两层硅氧四面体(T)夹着组成了蒙脱石的一个单层,硅氧四面体(T)与铝氧八面体(O)通过共用氧原子连接在一起[3],如图1.1所示。蒙脱石容易发生同晶置换,即蒙脱石结构中硅氧四面体(T)的中心原子Si4 容易被低价态的Fe3 、Al3 等取代,铝氧八面体(O)的中心原子Al3 容易被低价态的Mg2 、Fe2 等取代。因此蒙脱石晶层带负电,蒙脱石会通过在晶层外表和晶层间吸附金属阳离子的方法来中和和平衡电荷[4],如图1.2所示多层结构就是蒙脱石的晶体结构。

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