2021-03-16 22:54:16
摘 要
本文首先在对录波器的性能指标,发展概况做一个回顾性的概述之后,确定下系统的整体性能需求,并从性价比和性能满足的角度对本设计进行流程逻辑上的构思的角度,选择出相对合适的底层芯片与AD,本文所构思的硬件模块的主要思路是基于STM32F407 与AD7606设计的数据采集底层模块,完成将互感器在二次侧感应出的电流电压信号经简要的信号处理后录入到STM32中,在AD中设计合适大小的BUFFER缓存区域对数据进行存储的任务。考虑到录波器未来扩展性应用的数据共享功能,上位机软件选择基于G语言的Labview软件,模拟底层对上位机的数据传输功能模块。借助功能性强大的StarSim半实物仿真平台,本设计可以对实际的电压进行实物模拟,用StarSim配合Labview可以很大程度的模拟实际数据采集过程。比起微缩型物理模型和过理想化的模型,这样的硬件闭环测试型仿真更贴合实际情况。
Chinese power system is moving towards a complex, massive, intelligent and shared data network. The security and reliability of power system network has a significant impact on the country's overall strategy. Fault recorder is to monitor and record the power system in the process of failure under the sudden changes of the random voltage and current, and the waveform of them. Meanwhile, to be in line with the large data age, the exchange of information between the recorders will definitely grow into a future expansion of its direction.
In this paper, the overview of the development of the recorder is done to determine the overall requirements of the system. From the respect of cost performance and performance requirements, the design of the logic flow chart is finished. The main idea of data collection is based on STM32F407 and AD7606. Through the data collection module, the instrument transformer in the secondary side can receive the recorded current and voltage signals through a brief signal- processing unit. During AD programming, an appropriate size of the BUFFER area is designed to store the data. Taking the future of scalers scalability application of data sharing function into account, we choose G language, which is based on Labview, to simulate the data exchange process between STM32 and Labview. Taking advantage of the powerful StarSim semi-physical simulation platform, the system simulate the actual voltage. Compared to the miniature physical model and idealized model, StarSim equipped with Labview fits more for the actual situation.
In this paper, the specific hardware framework of the system, together with the software logic flow chart is shown by its purpose. After the initialization of main program, according to the respectively external interrupt logical priority, the whole program is divided into data collection sub-module, Flash memory module, AD interface module, and Ethernet communication module. The host computer uses the graphical programming to set the dependencies between the virtual Vis. Experients on the StarSim semi-physical simulation circuit, verify that high-frequency, strong random data real-time monitoring and wave display succeed. In the end the parameters of the software can be fine-tuned according to the experiments to strive to meet the needs of the recorder.
Key Words: Fault recorder, STM32F407, Labview, real-time waveform recording, semi-physical simulation
目 录
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 故障录波器功能概述 1
1.2 故障录波器的国内外发展概况 2
1.3 本文主要研究方向 3
第2章 系统总体方案设计 6
2.1 对故障录波器的基本要求 6
2.2 录波器的硬件结构 6
2.2.1 STM32在故障录波器中的应用 6
2.2.2 上位机的选择 7
2.2.3 硬件的总体设计 8
2.3 系统的软件设计方案 9
2.4 本章小结 10
第3章 数据采集装置的设计 11
3.1 数据采集装置的硬件实现 11
3.1.1 模拟信号调理电路的设计 11
3.1.2 A/D转换器的硬件接口设计 13
3.1.3 MCU与上位机通信的设计 15
3.2 STM32软件的编写 16
3.2.1 STM32软件开发工具及流程 16
3.2.2 主程序设计 17
3.2.3 数据采集子程序的设计 19
3.3 本章小结 20
第4章 故障录波器上位机软件的设计 22
4.1 设计方案 22
4.1.1 编程语言的选择 22
4.1.2 FFT原理简介 23
4.2 上位机软件的设计 24
4.2.1 上位机与 MCU的通信 24
4.2.2 谐波分析 26
4.3 本章小结 29
第5章 故障录波器调试与实验 30
5.1 数据采集装置的半实物仿真 30
5.2 数据采集装置的实验验证 31
5.3 本章小结 37
第6章 结论 38
参考文献 39
致谢 40
第1章 绪论
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