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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 机械机电类 > 汽车服务工程 > 正文


 2021-04-05 13:10:35  

摘 要


本文研究了智能网联汽车道路仿真测试硬件在环阶段的场景驱动方法。首先介绍当前智能网联汽车、汽车仿真场景技术、半物理仿真技术、串口通信技术应用研究现状,接着具体介绍了半物理仿真系统的构成、应用形式和特点,引出了智能网联汽车道路仿真测试HIL阶段的系统模型。对道路仿真测试模型中的虚拟驾驶装置的组成、作用、特点着重进行了介绍,还介绍了信号调理装置的定义与用途。其后介绍了当前主流的场景开发技术Prescan、PanoSim、CarSim、Pro-SiVIC、CARLA、Airsimde的用途与特点,对智能网联汽车道路仿真测试有了一个感性的认识。接着对此次场景开发主要用到的软件与控件进行了简略的介绍,为后面的开发做好准备。场景开发主要实在VS2017中进行的,利用自带的MFC模板创建程序,使用Windows Media Player控件实现场景播放功能,再利用MSComm控件进行通信,再添加相应的按钮控件,以此实现仿真场景的驱动。





In view of the rapid development of road simulation test for intelligent network vehicle, the traditional straight-line development process can not meet the development needs, and "V" process occupies the mainstream in the development of intelligent network vehicle. The road simulation test of Intelligent Network Unified Vehicle is a process in which the truthfulness of human-vehicle-environment three factors is continuously improved. It can be roughly divided into model-in-loop, rapid control prototype, code automatic generation, hardware-in-loop and real vehicle test stages.

In this paper, the scene-driven method of the hardware in the loop phase of the road simulation test of the intelligent network vehicle is studied. Firstly, this paper introduces the current status of application research of intelligent network vehicle, vehicle simulation scenario technology, semi-physical simulation technology and serial communication technology. Secondly, the composition, application form and characteristics of semi-physical simulation system are introduced in detail, and the system model of HIL phase of road simulation test of intelligent network vehicle is introduced. The composition, function and characteristics of virtual driving device in road simulation test model are emphatically introduced. The definition and application of signal conditioning device are also introduced. Then it introduces the main scenario development technologies Prescan, PanoSim, CarSim, Pro-SiVIC, CARLA and Airsimde, and has a perceptual understanding of the road simulation test of intelligent network. Then, the software and control used in this scenario development are briefly introduced to prepare for the later development. Scene development is mainly carried out in VS2017, using the MFC template to create the program, using Windows Media Player control to realize the scene playing function, then using MSComm control to communicate, and adding the corresponding button control, so as to realize the driving of the simulation scene.

Finally, the simulation scenarios are tested for serial driver, including parking, starting, accelerating and reversing. The simulation scenarios run according to the pre-conceived scenario, which verifies the feasibility of the simulation scenarios for serial driver, and provides some reference for later research.

The main characteristics of this paper are as follows: in order to meet the demand of driving the scene of intelligent network vehicle road simulation test, besides the main flow scenario development software, the simulation scenario is developed by using the MFC application template of VS2017, in which MSComm control is added, serial port resources are invoked, and the simulation scenario is realized. In the absence of mainstream scenario development software, the simulation scenario is verified. The possibility of serial port driver.

Key Words:Intelligent Network United Vehicle; Semi-physical simulation; Scene driven

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景与意义 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 2

1.2.1 智能网联汽车国内外研究现状 2

1.2.2 汽车仿真场景技术研究现状 2

1.2.3 半物理仿真技术研究现状 3

1.2.4 串口通信技术应用现状 3

1.3 主要研究内容 4

第2章 半物理仿真技术与应用 5

2.1 半物理仿真系统构成 5

2.2 半物理仿真系统应用形式 7

2.3 半物理仿真系统特点 9

2.4 半物理仿真在智能网联汽车中的应用 10

第3章 模拟驾驶装置和信号调理装置 12

3.1 模拟驾驶装置 12

3.1.1 开发型驾驶模拟装置组成 12

3.1.2 开发型驾驶模拟装置作用 13

3.1.3 开发型驾驶模拟装置特点 14

3.2 信号调理装置 15

第4章 仿真场景驱动开发 17

4.1 当前场景开发技术 17

4.1.1 Prescan 17

4.1.2 PanoSim 18

4.1.3 CarSim 19

4.1.4 Pro-SiVIC 20

4.1.5 CARLA 21

4.1.6 Airsim 21

4.2 场景驱动开发需求分析 22

4.3 场景驱动开发技术 23

4.3.1 Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 23

4.3.2 MSComm控件 23

4.3.3 Windows Media Player控件 24

4.3.4 Launch Virtual Serial Port Driver 24

4.3.5 友善串口助手 25

4.4 场景驱动开发 26

4.5 场景驱动测试 32

第5章 总结和展望 36

5.1 总结 36

5.2 展望 36

参考文献 37

致 谢 39





智能网联汽车(Intelligent amp; Connected Vehicle,简称 ICV)是指搭载先进的车载传感器、控制器、执行器等装置,并融合现代通信与网络技术,具备复杂环境感知、智能决策、协同控制和执行等功能,使车辆与外部节点间实现信息共享与控制协同,进而实现“零伤亡、零拥堵”, 可实现安全、舒适地驾驶,解放驾驶员双手,实现自动驾驶。近年来, 我国的智能网联汽车获得了空前的发展, 国家在政策上给予了大力的支持, 但也应看到目前智能网联汽车的发展还不成熟, 特别是还没达到大量用户使用的阶段, 为了尽快将智能网联汽车推向市场, 完善的测试评价体系是产品开发的必要支撑, 需要对此进行充分研究, 为产品开发过程中的测试和评价活动提供参考依据[2]

为了满足智能网联汽车测试和评价充分性和有效性的要求, 必须要有合适的验证方法。智能网联汽车验证最有效的方法就是道路测试, 让汽车在实际驾驶的复杂场景、工况下进行实车测试, 德国达姆施塔特工业大学的Winner教授提出要充分验证智能网联汽车的有效性, 至少需要一亿公里的实际道路行驶里程才能保证自动驾驶汽车具备人驾驶车辆的安全性[2]。考虑整车厂一种平台的车型会有多种型号, 且这些车辆的配置、软件版本相当复杂, 全部以实际道路测试来验证显然不符合产品开发周期的要求。

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