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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 机械机电类 > 车辆工程 > 正文


 2021-04-05 13:10:17  

摘 要


本文以多体系统动力学为研究的理论方法基础,采用MSC/ADAMS/CAR这款多体动力学仿真软件,以某型号轻型载货汽车为研究对象,在ADAMS/CAR内依照该车的性能、参数改变模板硬点参数,建立了前后悬架、车身、防倾杆等8个子系统,而后将8个子系统组装成整车模型,针对建好的整车模型按照GB/T 6323-2014内的规定进行了开环系统仿真试验,这些试验包括转向盘角阶跃输入、转向回正、稳态回转特性试验,并利用EVENTBUILDER建立人、车闭环系统模型[1],主要进行了转向轻便性试验,然后按照QC/T480-1999中的评价方法对该车的操纵稳定性进行了全面的评价和计分。




In the past, when studying the handling stability of vehicles, it was not necessary to spend more time on the sample car because of the need to continuously test the sample car, and some tests were dangerous, so the test was not easy. Nowadays, the virtual simulation technology is used to get rid of the drawbacks of the actual test. It is only necessary to obtain the parameters such as the structure of the prototype by measurement, and then the simulation stability of the vehicle can be simulated. In this way, not only the time required for the design is greatly shortened, but also the waste of resources is reduced, and relatively high-demand tests that have been inconvenient in the past can be performed, and the optimized simulation file can be analyzed to guide the optimization of the vehicle.

Based on the theoretical method of multi-body system dynamics, this paper uses MSC/ADAMS/CAR, a multi-lifting dynamics simulation software, to study the performance of a certain type of light-duty truck in ADAMS/CAR. The parameters change the template hard point parameters, and establish 8 subsystems such as front and rear suspension, body and anti-roll bar, and then assemble 8 subsystems into the whole vehicle model. According to the QC/T480-1999 regulations for the completed vehicle model. The open-loop system simulation tests were carried out. These tests included the steering wheel angle step input, the steering return positive, and the steady-state rotation characteristic test. The EVENTBUILDER was used to establish a closed-loop simulation test on the human-vehicle-road system, mainly for steering lightness. The test was then comprehensively evaluated and scored according to the evaluation method in QC/T480-1999.

After analyzing the simulation data, it can be seen that the steering stability of the car needs to be improved. Therefore, this paper selects the vehicle quality, the tire's cornering stiffness and the front wheel positioning parameters as the variables of the optimization design, and compares and optimizes the vehicle, which makes the steering stability performance of the car improved significantly after optimization.

KeyWords:Light-duty truck; handling stability; ADAMS/CAR; simulation analysis and optimization


摘要 I

Abstract II

第1章 绪论 1

1.1课题研究背景和意义 1

1.2国内外研究现状 2

1.3本课题研究目的及意义 3

第2章 多体系统动力学 4

2.1多体系统动力学理论简介 4

2.2多刚体系统动力学简介及研究方法 4

2.3多柔体系统动力学及其研究方法 6

2.4多体动力学的应用 7

第3章 虚拟样机技术及ADAMS软件 9

3.1虚拟样机技术 9

3.1.1虚拟样机的基本概念 9

3.1.2虚拟样机技术的应用 9

3.2ADAMS介绍 9

3.2.1ADAMS软件简介 9

3.2.2ADAMS软件的组成 10

3.2.3ADAMS的特点及应用 11

3.2.4ADAMS的理论及求解方法 11

3.3小结 13

第4章 整车模型的建立及操纵稳定性仿真 14

4.1ADAMS/Car模块简介 14

4.2整车模型的简化 15

4.3应用ADAMS/CAR建立整车仿真模型 15

4.3.1整车参数的选取 15

4.3.2前悬架建模 16

4.3.3后悬架建模 17

4.3.4转向系建模 17

4.3.5制动系建模 18

4.3.6动力系建模 18

4.3.7轮胎模型 19

4.3.8车身建模 20

4.3.9防倾杆建模 21

4.4建立子系统 21

4.5整车装配 22

4.6操纵稳定性的目的与意义 22

4.7转向盘角阶跃仿真试验 22

4.7.1转向盘角阶跃试验的意义 22

4.7.2评价指标的选取 23

4.7.3仿真试验方法及条件设置 23

4.7.4角阶跃试验的评价 25

4.8转向回正性 26

4.8.1回正性研究的基本原理和意义 26

4.8.2评价指标的选取 26

4.8.3仿真试验方法及条件设置 27

4.8.4回正性试验的评价 28

4.9转向轻便性试验 29

4.9.1转向轻便性试验的意义 29

4.9.2轻便性仿真方法及条件设置 29

4.9.3仿真数据及评价 30

4.10稳态回转的评价 31

4.10.1稳态转向性能评价的意义 31

4.10.2仿真方法及条件设置 31

4.10.3稳态转向特性的评价 33

4.11综合评价分析 35

4.12本章小结 35

第5章 汽车操纵稳定性影响因素分析及优化 37

5.1汽车操纵稳定性影响因素分析 37

5.1.1行驶系统对操纵稳定性的影响 37

5.1.2转向系的影响 38

5.1.3制动系的影响 38

5.1.4主要参数的影响 38

5.2整车操纵稳定性能的对比优化 40

5.2.1整车质心高度的优化 40

5.2.2整车质量的优化 41

6.2.3轮胎侧偏刚度的优化 42

5.2.4前轮定位参数的优化 44

5.2.5评价计分 45

5.3本章小结 47

第6章 结论 48

参考文献 49

附录A 51

附A1 原始整车参数 51

附A2优化后整车参数 54

附录B 56

附B1原车拟合曲线所用程序 57

附B2优化后拟合曲线所用程序 58

致谢 59

第1章 绪论




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