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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 机械机电类 > 工业工程 > 正文


 2022-04-05 19:48:11  


摘 要








This thesis has brought about the achievement of Lean Production on large medical equipment, which is based on the fixed-position layout, through measures containing productive practice in NMR(nuclear magnetic resonance) spectrometer business unit at X company and combination of Lean Production and quantities of Industrial Engineering tools.

At first, this thesis draw into the conception of fixed-position layout, it introduces some theories and ideas about Industrial Engineering tools including method study, work measurement etc. and Lean Production which includes one piece flow, concurrent engineering etc. Then, based on the real production condition of the NMR spectrometers at X company and combined with theories, I worked out an optimization plan for Lean Productive direct against key problems, generally analyzing from some aspects of features of products, the process flow, the standard labor time, the layout of production area and strategic plans.

This plan is divided into three parts as the plan of re-layout production area, the plan of concurrent engineering based on a two-man cooperation model and the plan of setting a standard of daily performance management. According to the optimization plan mentioned above, we have decreased the production cycle time of NMR spectrometers at X company by 50% and reduced work-in-process inventory, stabilized the inventory level and handled the trouble of urgent orders in the premise of constant labor cost . Besides, we have boosted the area utilization ratio resulting from save 107㎡ acreage for new production. Moreover, we have created a tool to manage daily performance and monitor the efficiency of production, which has a visual interface and is also called visual management. The daily performance tool lays a solid foundation for continuous improvement.

Lastly, this thesis holds a view that each industry has its own particularity, which means every enterprise has to suit the remedy to the case, make itself stronger when taking Lean Production and Industrial Engineering into practical use. Also, we need to prevent some improper actions like entirely copying plans from other companies.

In conclusion, this thesis has not only solved the problem of long production cycle time of the NMR spectrometers at X company and promoted Lean Production at X company, but also provided some researches and practice for the manufacture of large equipment based on the fixed-position layout.

Key words: fixed-position layout; medical equipment; Lean Production; concurrent engineering; visual management


摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1论文的研究背景 1

1.1.1医疗器械的行业背景 1

1.1.2企业简介 1

1.2研究的目的 1

1.3研究的内容 2

1.4研究的意义 2

第二章 理论综述 3

2.1固定式布置 3

2.2工业工程的理论和方法 3

2.2.1工业工程的本质 3

2.2.2工作研究 4

2.3精益生产的理论和方法 5

2.3.1精益生产概述 5

2.3.2一个流生产 6

2.3.3并行工程 6

2.4现场管理 7

2.4.1可视化管理 7

第三章 X公司核磁共振仪生产现状及分析 8

3.1产品特性 8

3.2产品工艺流程 9

3.3标准工时的测定 9

3.4生产布局 9

3.5产品生产现状及分析 11

第四章 X公司布局优化设计 12

4.1新布局方案布置原则 12

4.2新布局方案改进措施 12

4.3新布局方案效益分析 15

第五章 X公司生产模式优化设计 16

5.1并行生产模式的提出过程 16

5.2并行生产模式的设计思路 16

5.3并行生产模式的具体实施 19

5.4并行生产模式的效益分析 20

第六章 X公司现场管理优化设计 22

6.1每日绩效管理工具的制作 22

6.1.1每日工作进度统计卡的设计 22

6.1.2每日工作进度统计表的使用 24

6.2每日绩效管理的可视化工具的用处 26

第七章 X公司核磁共振仪生产优化效果 27

研究与展望 28

致 谢 29

参考文献 30

  1. 绪论




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