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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 机械机电类 > 车辆工程 > 正文


 2020-02-17 17:47:51  

摘 要









The vibration energy dissipated in the suspension during driving accounts for about 16%-18% of the total energy output of the automobile engine, which has great potential and value of energy recovery. Traditional shock absorber by suspension reciprocating vibration of mechanical energy is converted into heat energy in the form of wasted, if this part of the energy would be recycled, not only can improve the fuel economy of vehicles, if controlled through corresponding control methods according to different road surface vibration force change shock absorber damping force, but also can improve the vehicle handling stability and ride comfort. In recent years, scholars all over the world have carried out different studies on energy-regenerative shock absorber and designed different structures and principles of energy-regenerative shock absorber.

In this paper, a new type of mechanical rectifier energy-regenerative shock absorber is designed and a prototype is developed. The experimental prototype is matched with different rotary inertia, and the influence of rotary inertia on energy recovery efficiency can be studied. The compression stroke and stretching stroke gear pairs with different transmission ratios produce different damping forces in the compression stroke and stretching stroke. With the torsion damping unit to reduce the wear of mechanical transmission structure and increase the service life of the device, the project supported by the national natural science foundation of China is "the theoretical and experimental research on parallel interconnected hydro-electric fed type active radial bogie". The specific work is as follows:

(1) Completed the overall layout design of the mechanical rectifier energy-regenerative shock absorber, completed the design and model selection of the ball screw pair, motor, inertia, rectifier gear box and torsion damping unit, and established the three-dimensional model in Solidworks;

(2) In the Ansys workbench module, finite element analysis and verification are carried out for the important transmission parts of the mechanical rectifier energy-regenerative shock absorber, such as gear pairs, transmission shafts and the shell of the rectifier gear box;

(3) Through theoretical calculation, the mechanical rectifier energy-regenerative shock absorber is equivalent to the dynamic model of the parallel connection between the fixed inertial container and the damper regulated by the load resistance of the generator. The damping force f-body displacement Z curve of the damper is drawn in Matlab.

(4) The test bench is set up and the test is completed, which verifies the technical feasibility and reliability of the design scheme of the mechanical rectifier energy-regenerative shock absorber; By comparing the test of using torsional damping unit with that of not using torsional damping unit, it is verified that the mechanical bearing capacity of the shock absorber is improved by adding the torsional damping unit. The influence of the moment of inertia on the energy recovery efficiency of the mechanical energy-regenerative shock absorber is tested and analyzed. The energy recovery efficiency is tested and analyzed by changing the transmission ratio of different stretching gear pairs.

Key Words:Energy-regenerative;Shock absorber;One-way clutch;Mechanical rectifier;Torsion damper;Solidworks;Ball screw;Ansys


摘 要 I

第1章 绪论 3

1.1 研究背景 3

1.2 研究概况 4

1.2.1悬架中的能量回收潜力 4

1.2.2馈能式减振器的研究现状 4

1.3本文设计的内容 7

第2章 机械整流馈能减振器的设计 9

2.1机械整流馈能减振器总体设计 9

2.2滚珠丝杆设计 9

2.2.1滚珠丝杆参数选择 9

2.2.2滚珠丝杆设计的校核 10

2.2.3滚珠丝杆壳体设计及模型绘制 11

2.3电机选型及惯量设计 12

2.4整流齿轮箱设计 13

2.4.1整流齿轮箱传动齿轮设计 13

2.4.2传动轴设计 15

2.4.3单向离合器选择 17

2.4.4整流齿轮箱壳体设计及整流齿轮箱模型绘制 18

2.5扭转减振单元选择 19

2.6机械整流馈能减振器工作原理 19

2.7本章小结 20

第3章 关键零部件校核 21

3.1齿轮对校核 21

3.2传动轴的校核 23

3.3整流齿轮箱壳体的校核 25

第4章 机械式馈能减振器的动力学模型 27

第5章 机械式馈能减振器台架试验 30

5.1台架试验的目的 30

5.2试验方案 30

5.3台架试验结果分析 31

5.3.1发电结果分析 31

5.3.2阻尼力和位移结果分析 33

5.4试验小结 35

第6章 总结与展望 36

6.1全文总结 36

6.2本文创新点 36

6.3研究展望 37

参考文献 38

致 谢 40

附件1 MATLAB程序 41

第1章 绪论

1.1 研究背景

C:\Users\win10\Documents\Tencent Files\562043890\FileRecv\MobileFile\Image\43GXNGIQF9AY9O05EF6U[UX.png汽车产业是我国的支柱型产业之一,在“工业4.0战略”以及“中国制造2025”的大背景下,我国汽车行业正朝着“轻量化”、“智能化”、“网联化”、“电动化”的大方向迅速发展[1]。我国在发展新能源汽车技术上投入了大量人力物力资源,同样取得了丰硕的成果。但是在目前的电池技术的限制下,纯电动车的连续行驶里程仍难以满足用户的需求[2]。但是电池技术在近几年的研究中也未取得革命性的突破,因此成为了新能源汽车发展过程中的瓶颈[3]。在此背景下,探索汽车能源新的补给方案,丰富汽车能源构成,对推动新能源汽车技术的发展具有重要意义。根据美国能源部数据统计,如图1.1所示,在汽车的正常行驶过程中,只有大约10-16%的燃油能量用于车辆的行驶驱动,其中大部分的能量损耗在于发动机的热效率较低,而汽车在行驶过程中消耗在悬架部分的振动能量约占汽车发动机输出总能量的16%-18%[4],传统减振器通过将悬架振动的机械能转换成热能的形式耗散掉,若将这部分能量加以回收,不仅可以改善汽车的燃油经济性,如果通过相应控制方法加以控制根据不同路面激振力改变减振器的阻尼力,还能够提升车辆的操纵稳定性和乘坐的舒适性[5]。因此,近年来馈能式减振器受到了大量学者的关注。

图 1.1 汽车行驶时能量损失

1.2 研究概况


悬架系统的能量回收潜力受路面不平度系数、行驶速度、轮胎刚度等因素的影响[6]。各个学者,对于不同条件下的汽车悬架系统的能量回收潜能也有过估算,弗吉尼亚理工大学左磊教授曾通过仿真得出过,一辆中型轿车在C级路面上以左右的速度行驶时,悬架耗散的能量可以达到400W [7]。吉林大学的Yu等人也分析了馈能式减振器的能量回收潜力,通过理论仿真得出中型车辆在C级路面上以72km/h的速度行驶20s,通过减振器转化为热能耗散掉的能量可达650KJ左右[8]。德国奥迪汽车公司也在不同路面上测试了普通轿车行驶时悬架系统的能量回收潜力,在德国普通路面上行驶时,悬架耗散的能量为150W,而当轿车在德国的颠簸不平的路面上行驶时,悬架耗散的能量可达610W左右。



  1. 直线电机式馈能减振器


图 1.2 Bose公司采用直线电机的馈能悬架






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