2021-04-12 21:10:57
摘 要
The development of science and technology has brought many improvements in production and life. The electronics industry with the rapid popularization of the car has accelerated the development of automotive electronics industry and its application in automobile filed. It also determines the future trend of the automotive industry. However, at present, the performance and price (cost performance) of cars still cannot meet people's needs. The core of the automotive electronics industry is the chip. The lack of high-performance semiconductor devices has begun to restrict the development of high-end equipment in China's automobile, high-speed railway and other fields. The material of the main automobile parts is an important factor to improve its performance, and the exploration of suitable application materials has an important role to improve the relative performance of materials. Because of its excellent performance, diamond materials have become a new trend in future and have attracted wide attention. However, the preparation of diamond films has not obtained effective results. Based on this, in this paper, the growth conditions of diamond films are theoretically analyzed from the perspective of first-principle calculations. To explore the excellent properties of diamond films under doping conditions.
The first-principle calculations are based on density functional theory to solve the electronic form in the material, and then to obtain the related properties of the material. Based on the plane wave method and the exchange of associated functional theory, this paper adopts PWmat and Octopus software to get the diamond in different doping conditions (boron doped carbon C or B element) and take the distribution system under the ground. Then, the effect of doping on the electronic properties of diamond is analyzed.
Ultrashort laser is widely used as an effective means to change the material structure. Based on this, the diamond energy band system is calculated and the ultra-short laser field is added to improve the diamond materials. In the same way, the ground state and energy density distribution of diamond in ultra-short laser field are calculated by using the first principle method. The results show that the dielectric properties of wide band gap materials can be modified effectively by controlling the electronic and optical properties of diamond materials by forming laser field. This work provides people a guide to explore the work experimentally.
Key Words:diamond;doping;ab initio;density function structure; electronic property
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第1章 绪论 1
1.1汽车电子第三代半导体金刚石掺杂性能研究背景及意义 1
1.2金刚石的结构性质 2
1.3金刚石的性能研究 3
1.3.1金刚石的物理化学性质 3
1.3.2金刚石作为汽车电子用半导体材料的优异性能 4
1.4金刚石薄膜制备方法 5
1.4.1高温高压法(HTHP) 6
1.4.2化学气相沉积法(CVD) 7
1.5金刚石掺杂研究进展 9
1.6金刚石生长、掺杂和退火的微观机制研究进展 10
第2章 密度泛函理论 12
2.1第一性原理及密度泛函理论(DFT) 12
2.1.1 Hartree-Fock(HF)近似 13
2.1.2 Hohenberg-Kohn(HK)定理 14
2.1.3 Kohn-Sham(K-S)方程 14
2.2交换关联泛函 15
2.2.1局域密度近似(LDA) 15
2.2.2广义梯度近似(GGA) 16
2.3赝势方法 17
2.4计算软件 18
2.4.1 PWmat 18
2.4.2 Octopus 18
第3章 掺杂对金刚石电子/光学性质的影响分析 20
3.1固体能带理论 20
3.2晶体能带结构 21
3.3模型构建和计算方法 21
3.3.1建模与计算方法 21
3.3.2 PWmat计算脚本及分析 22
3.4结果与讨论 23
3.4.1结合能的计算与分析 23
3.4.2掺杂对金刚石电子性质的影响分析 24
第4章 超短激光对金刚石激发态介电性能的影响分析 27
4.1数学模型和计算方法 28
4.1.1建模与计算方法 28
4.1.2 Octopus计算脚本及分析 31
4.2结果与讨论 34
第5章 总结与展望 39
参考文献 40
致 谢 45
第1章 绪论
近年来,汽车技术、电子技术飞速发展(如图1.1所示),于此同时,大众消费者对汽车舒适度的也提出了更高的要求。当今的趋势即是汽车电子化、网络化和智能化。汽车电子产业随着汽车的迅速普及而呈现加速发展的趙势,汽车电子产业的发展及其在汽车上的应用程度决定了未来汽车工业的发展趋势。我国从20世纪90年代开始进行汽车电子产品的研发及产业化, 但由于起步较晚,基础薄弱,汽车电子产品发展落后于汽车整车的发展,产品和技术与国外差距较大 ,我国汽车电子产业仍处于起步发展阶段。
图1.1 汽车电子行业飞速发展