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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 机械机电类 > 车辆工程 > 正文


 2021-03-28 22:16:22  

摘 要





With the current environmental awareness continues to increase, in order to deal with environmental pollution, fuel supply and demand contradictions and reduce fuel consumption and a series of issues, requiring the car casting not only have a strong toughness, but also have a lighter quality. Transmission is an important part of the car, the use of aluminum in the production of shell can reduce its weight, and ultimately achieve the purpose of reducing vehicle weight. For casting technology, die-casting technology is not only high production efficiency, casting precision, strength and surface hardness are relatively high, therefore, this design using pressure casting technology.

The design of the gearbox front shell of the die-casting process and casting system to optimize the design. The gating system, the inner gate and the overflow tank, is designed by understanding the gearbox front shell structure. Select the gearbox front shell material: aluminum alloy SC102A. The filling time is in the range of 25m / s-30m / s, the filling time is 0.040s-0.060s, the cross-sectional area of ​​the gate is 2.8 × 103-5.0 × 103mm2, and the injection speed is 2.6m / s-14.7m / s. Because of the large size and complex shape of the aluminum alloy transmission case, it is difficult to carry out die casting production. The casting simulation software is used to simulate and analyze the die casting process of the aluminum alloy gearbox shell parts, and the parts are predicted accurately The location of the defect, combined with the die casting production of the casting analysis of the defect type and cause, through the use of improved interior runner design to reduce the defects and improve the quality of die casting. According to the basic theory of the pressure casting process and the solidification process, the model is first introduced into the casting simulation software, and the parameters such as the grid division, the setting material and the initial boundary condition are carried out. Finally, the calculation is carried out. In this design, two parameters of casting temperature and injection velocity are simulated. Five sets of casting schemes are designed. The simulation results are analyzed by Anycasting simulation. The results are compared with each other. Finally, the optimum pouring temperature and injection velocity The effects of different pouring temperature and injection velocity on the shrinkage of castings are studied. The optimum process parameters are obtained by the corresponding calculation and analysis. Finally, the optimization scheme is determined, that is, the casting temperature of the molten metal is 675 ℃, Is 5m / s.

Key words:Gearbox front shell; high pressure die casting; process parameter; simulation analysis

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1课题研究的背景及意义 1

1.1.1汽车工业发展 1

1.1.2汽车轻量化技术 1

1.1.3铝合金的应用 2

1.1.4压铸成型技术 2

1.1.5压铸过程仿真模拟技术 2

1.2国内外研究现状 3

1.2.1压铸工艺的发展 3

1.2.2压铸过程数值模拟技术的研究现状 4

1.3本文研究内容及目的 4

第2章 变速箱前壳的压铸工艺设计 5

2.1铸造的分类 5

2.2压铸工艺的介绍 5

2.2.1压铸技术的特点 5

2.2.2压铸新工艺 6

2.3压铸材料的的选择 6

2.4变速器前壳的结构 7

2.5速度参数选择 7

2.5.1压射对充填速度的影响速度 7

2.5.2充填速度的选择 8

2.5.3充填时间参数以及选择 8

2.6金属液浇注温度的选择 9

2.7内浇口及溢流槽的设计 9

2.7.1内浇口的位置 9

2.7.2内浇口的截面积 10

2.7.3溢流槽的设计 11

第3章 铸造过程模拟的数值基础及原理 13

3.1有限元数值模拟方法简介 13

3.2铸件充型过程有限元分析理论基础 13

3.2.1数学模型 14

3.2.2计算方法 14

3.3铸件凝固过程有限元分析理论基础 15

3.3.1铸件凝固过程温度计算数学模型 16

3.3.2压铸凝固过程缩松缩孔的预测 16

第4章 变速箱前壳压铸过程模拟及分析 17

4.1 AnyCasting软件简介 17

4.2 仿真分析步骤及参数设置 18

4.2.1网格划分 18

4.2.2 材料设置 19

4.2.3 初始边界条件 20

4.2.4界面换热条件 21

4.2.5 重力设置 21

4.3 模拟结果分析与讨论 22

4.3.1浇注温度的影响 23

4.3.2压射速度的影响 29

第5章 总结与展望 37

附录A后处理显示程序代码 39

致 谢 53

第1章 绪论




图1.1 2001-2013年中国汽车产量和占世界汽车总产量的比重









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