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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 机械机电类 > 车辆工程 > 正文


 2021-03-27 17:03:34  

摘 要




关键词:48V 低度混合动力 ISG电机 建模 仿真


With the rapid development of automotive electronics in recent years, in order to improve the performance of the vehicle to meet the increasingly rich demand, more and more electrical equipment has been applied to the car. Correspondingly, electrical load is also increasing. For this reason, more power need to be provided by the car power system. And the traditional 12V power system has been stretched, which is not enough to provide the future growing power demand, therefore, upgrading the 12V voltage level to 48V is the trend. And the development of low-level hybrid car based on 48V power system has become a research hotspot of the major parts suppliers and vehicle business at home and abroad. This system which using lower cost to achieve better fuel efficiency will become an important measure to energy saving and emission reduction in the future of the automotive industry.

This paper analyzes the structural features and functional modes of the 48V mild hybrid system, and constructs a 48V mild hybrid system based on ISG motor (starter / generator integration). Taking a certain model as the research object, according to the requirement of power, economy and others, the selection and parameter matching of major components in the vehicle power and transmission system are done. Then the working characteristics of the engine and the ISG motor are analyzed, and the control scheme of the 48V mild hybrid system under the mode of starting and stopping, accelerating power and braking energy recovery is developed according to the functional mode of the system.

Based on the hybrid model of Advisor simulation platform, the vehicle simulation model of 48V mild hybrid system is established, combining with the structural characteristics, function mode and control strategy of the system. At the same time, the corresponding traditional vehicle simulation model is established. After the cycle conditions and the parameters are set, the two systems are simulated respectively. According to the simulation results, the differences in the power, economy and emission of the two systems are compared and analyzed. The simulation results show that the 48V mild hybrid system is better than traditional cars while maintaining a same-configured condition, and the effect is significant in terms of fuel consumption and emissions.

Keyword:48V, mild hybrid, ISG motor, modeling, simulation

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 课题研究背景和意义 1

1.1.1 混合动力汽车前景展望 1

1.1.2 基于48V电源系统的低度混合动力系统概述 1

1.2 课题国内外研究概况 3

1.3 论文主要研究内容 4

第2章 48V低混系统原理和结构分析 5

2.1 48V低混系统电气系统方案分析 5

2.2 48V低混系统的动力系统架构 6

2.3 48V动力系统的运行模式 10

2.4 本章小结 12

第3章 48V动力系统的参数设计与建模 14

3.1 ADVISOR 软件的介绍 14

3.2 48V低混汽车动力系统的模型建立 14

3.2.1 车辆动力性能指标 14

3.2.2 各模块参数设计与模型建立 15

3.4 本章小结 34

第4章 48V低混汽车控制策略研究 35

4.1 48V低度混合动力汽车控制思想分析 35

4.2 几种控制策略分析 36

4.2.1 并联电机助力型控制策略 36

4.2.2 转矩分离式控制策略 36

4.2.3模糊逻辑控制策略 38

4.3 控制策略的设计与建模 40

4.4 本章小结 45

第5章 系统仿真结果及分析 46

5.1 48V低混系统仿真结果分析 46

5.2 与传统内燃机汽车比较 48

5.3 本章小结 48

第6章 总结与展望 49

6.1 工作总结 49

6.2 工作展望 49

参考文献 51

致谢 53

第1章 绪论

1.1 课题研究背景和意义

1.1.1 混合动力汽车前景展望

随着环境污染和能源短缺问题的日益严峻,相应的排放标准也越来越严格,欧盟协议到2020年欧盟范围内新车CO2排放必须控制在95 g/km以内[[1]],而同样在2020年,中国也将开始逐步实施国六排放标准,仅从限值要求方面就要比国五标准严格40%~50%左右,可以说是目前全球最严格的排放标准之一,因此节能减排对汽车行业的发展显得越发的重要,也一直是近几年研究讨论的热点。为了应对严格的排放法规,显然单纯靠提高发动机的燃烧热效率短时间内很难有较大的突破,只能从新能源汽车入手,纯电动汽车、燃料电池汽车可实现零排放,具有能源清洁、低噪等诸多优点,固然环境友好,但因为两者的成本问题以及前者的续航问题,难以在短时间内大量普及,而混合动力汽车与传统内燃机汽车在保证较高相容度的同时,又能很好地降低油耗与排放,无疑是一个有效的途径。混合动力汽车作为纯电动汽车的过渡车型出世,在政策的支持下,各国经过多年的大力研发,技术慢慢走向成熟,现已成为一种独立车型,在当前严峻的能源环境形势下做出了不可磨灭的贡献,而且随着混动技术的不断突破,混合动力汽车在未来仍将持续“发热”,成为汽车行业中“耀眼的存在”。

1.1.2 基于48V电源系统的低度混合动力系统概述

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